It’s not actually his horse. Shadowfax responds to his call, but he is a free horse.
And the bloody PC brigade made him a brown horse when he’s white in Lord of the Rings! Political correctness gone mad.
Hahahaha @Sweeting
Ah so he is like the horse version of Dobie from Harry Potter? Got it
The Doom of Mandos is the central theme of the book. Characterizing Galabriel as standing apart from the rest of her family is also the main way she is characterized.
- All of his family bows down to Feanor, in some cases almost cowering in front of him. Except for Galdriel who openly defies him
- The whole house of Finwe leaves valinor pursuing vengeance, except for Galadriel who refuses to buy into that motivation
- Galadriel is exempt from the banishment in the first place, but even when its lifted after the defeat of Melkor she stands alone in refusing the invitation to stay in middle earth.
According to the older account, used in The Silmarillion , Galadriel was an eager participant and leader in the rebellion of the Ñoldor and their flight from Valinor due to her desire to one day rule over lands in Middle-earth herself.
She’s fucking badass, she was 2nd only to Feanor in the Noldor in power. A student of 2 Valar and a Maia from where her powers were learnt… That’s 2 gods and 1 demi-god btw…
so…I’ve started rewatching Justified.
Finished Sandman. Really liked it! Highly recommend
Started She Hulk. So far so good.
Yeah, looking forward to watching both of these shows.
Ive got a feeling Sandman is going to be complicated so Ive been putting it off to watch on a rainy weekend (every weekend this time of year) rather than in the evening after work when knackered.
Ive got a feeling Sandman is going to be complicated so Ive been putting it off to watch on a rainy weekend (every weekend this time of year) rather than in the evening after work when knackered.
Really isn’t, not like GoT for example. Watched it on my tablet while doing cardio at the gym.
It’s not complicated, it’s very good.
What is it that made it considered so “unfilmable” then? Or can that not be answered without spoilers?
What is it that made it considered so “unfilmable” then? Or can that not be answered without spoilers?
You have to read the graphic novels to get a feel for that. It’s the ethereal feel that’s difficult to created but they did a masterful job for me
Yeah, as koptician said, I think it’s a stylistic thing rather than a narrative thing.
I feel like with graphic novels you almost have the storyboard right there on the pages, straight from the author and artist, and the fans will be satisfied if you largely stick to it. In fact with The Sandman they updated some of the elements that could have felt a bit aged from when Gaiman wrote it.
With books, we all have our own version of what it all looks like and there is a bigger chance that it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.
I feel like with graphic novels you almost have the storyboard right there on the pages, straight from the author and artist, and the fans will be satisfied if you largely stick to it.
And yet that is what Snyder did with his watchmen and people largely hated it, fans and neutral critics alike. Sometimes I feel its a no win situation to take on such a project.
And yet that is what Snyder did with his watchmen and people largely hated it, fans and neutral critics alike. Sometimes I feel its a no win situation to take on such a project.
I never got that! I really liked The Watchmen and also agree with the change to the ending because frankly what was in the graphic novel was too “comic-booky” and wouldn’t translate well onto the screen.
Maybe it had something to do with that crotchety old git (but genius) Alan Moore hating it or mating any depiction of anything he’s written
Maybe it had something to do with that crotchety old git (but genius) Alan Moore hating it or mating any depiction of anything he’s written
Ha. Yeah, Im sure that contributed a lot to the fans hating it. But I did also see a lot of the reviews criticize Snyder for basically shooting a frame by frame film version (except even then it wasnt as iut cut out the Pirate stuff and if I recall correctly almost all the doomsday stuff as well).
But I did also see a lot of the reviews criticize Snyder for basically shooting a frame by frame film version
And THAT’s what I loved about it
Apparently I underestimated the level of nerdiness on this forum.