The TV Thread redux

Even though I knew it was shit, I couldn’t help watching Squid Game until the end.

Stumbled across Pistol on FX recently.
As a former 70’s punk, I found it quite entertaining even though the acting was a bit naff.
Bit of reminiscing about the good old days :grinning:

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Its an attitude still alive in those that want it.

HOTD season finale sets things up very nicely. Bit slow but still very well done. Loved the Starwars reference :slight_smile:

When is the ‘Walking Sex-Lust’ getting its own thread…
Asking for a friend is all :0)
He nominates Donna from Suits (Sarah Rafferty)

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Finished it on Friday and myself and my good wife were left deeply frustrated and unsatisfied to such an extent my wife had to Google the real event.

1% actually happened and the rest made up. I love a bit of fiction and love scary ‘based on real events’ but that was utter tosh despite having a really good cast.

I was left short of gravy one time in kfc. Wonder if there’s a mystery TV show in that?

The cinematography was top notch. The way GOT ended I really thought I’ll never be watching any spin offs but this is really nicely made and had me glued again!


I loved this from Reddit:

Aemond :“ Serve me Vhagar”
Oldest living thing in the world : No
Imma “serve” myself some dinner

Pictures of alleged walking sex lust would be appreciated so I can understand the merits of the arguments being made.

I dont really know about the sex-lust thing, she just seems like a blonde lady to me. The show so far certainly doesnt play it up, she spends most of the time head to toe in armour from what I have seen.


She’s a brunette in real life

Another nomination for top ten placing :0)


Ah, I see now, ‘walking sex-lust’ means she’s attractive? Kinda thought it meant she looks horny. I need to know this before I include it in my vocabulary.

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It’s the ears…

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Salma Hayek, now we are talking … :star_struck:


Errr… can we go back to the topic at hand? Without further insults? Thank you.

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what were we talking about again? TV?

I thought so, yes?

Hoping ‘Blockbuster’ coming to Netflix next week is good. I like the cast, but I’ve not watched the trailer for it. Ready for a decent throwaway comedy again though.

damn, I was hoping we were heading towards something a little more sultry :rofl:

You still can, as long as it’s related to TV. :grin:

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anyone else looking forward to the next season of Yellowstone? Hoping they are able to keep this one going because anytime I follow a dramatic show for more than 3-4 seasons it seems to go off the rails. Probably why sitcoms last longer, they don’t have a continual storyline to follow.

Sons of Anarchy

Kelly Reilly Beth Dutton GIF by Yellowstone

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