The Unreliable LFC Transfer Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 3)

He’s pretty good in the air to be fair


Anyone rating a CBs quality by the amount of tackles they make is horribly misguided.


In my defence I didn’t read all the article as I clicked the link for the matrix stats and then had a headache looking at them

Nvm just found the list

His agent puts the kibosh on this, know nothing of the the player but his agent has the runs on the board that will destroy his chances.Maybe if he changed his agent…

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Apparently we may bid up to 20 million. He won’t be leaving Bayern for that.

These numbers make no sense

The percentage refers to the comparative against qualified players of the same position. In this instance his headers won per 90 puts him in the 95th percentile of CMs for aerials won. 10% for aerials lost means hes in the bottom 10% for aerials lost per 90 among CMs.

57.7% refers to the number of aerials challenges he wins (ie if he went for 100 headers how many would he win). That puts him in the 79th percentile for CMs.


Thanks for the stat on his aerial strength. Pretty good. I would imagine it might lower a little in the Prem, as a tougher League, but hard to say. Either way, that’s solid.

I just wish it wasn’t the same people as Caicedo. Hard to say without being there, but apparently they gave assurances, we made a record bid, then they reneged and waited for Chelsea to come back, and Brighton really couldn’t do anything.

If that’s how it went down, I’d be loathe to deal with them and enrich them further.

What do we know about Theate? Is he as good as Hincapie?

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Oh I’m dumb I thought you were talking about Endo being at CB - so the above stats are for Endo not Hincapie!

This is Hincapie

And this is Theate

Theate seems a much better aerial defender to me.


What was Gini’s position and Fabs and who would have thought Milly would be a left back

Makes no sense

Theate and Gravenberch, and away we go.

Endo wins 2.33 aerial duels per 90 minutes. Out of all CMs that ranks him in the 95th percentile.
Endo loses 1.71 aerial duels per 90 minutes. Out of all CMs that ranks him in the lowest 10%.
Endo wins 57.7% of aerial duels. Out of all CMs that ranks him the 79th percentile.

The story it is telling is that he wins more headers per 90 than 94% of the CMs in Europe’s top 5 leagues but also loses more headers than them per 90. However his win % is relatively high. Basically he challenges for a lot of headers in a game and is pretty good at winning them.


I know of 1 CB who averaged 19 tackles per season in his long career,

I wonder what the response we be on here if we were to sign him and we only knew his defensive stats and not his name


That’s a JK yes.




Thanks Sweeting I still dont get the 57%
Makes no sense to me numbers for numbers sake

He wins 57.7% of the headers he goes for. 2.33 per match, versus 1.71 lost.

2.33 + 1.71 = 4.04 headers challenged for per match.

2.33 won out of 4.04 total is 57.7%.

The percentiles (red and green bars) refer to where that places him out of all players eligible for comparison. 95th percentile means he’s in the top 5% of players for headers won per match for volume (the 2.33 figure), and 79th percentile means he’s in the top 21% for the % of headers won (the 57.7% figure).

Being in the bottom 10% of players for headers lost is also a good thing. (Edit I got this part wrong lol)


FBref takes that this is a “negative” stat into consideration, i.e. a smaller number of headers lost is a higher percentile.