The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Footballers are much more expensive than milk. Today’s lesson

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He played 9 games last season. 10 this season. I think he’s great but he can’t be relied on to stay fit and that was clear before this season

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Yes by the sounds of it a verbal agreement was in place to go to Celtic on a Bosman and I presume a contract signing was imminent, but it appears we have hijacked this by making the 500k + add ons offer. PNE will feel the cash offer at this stage is worth it and the chance to get 20% of whatever we sell him for is more valuable than 6 months of football he offers them.

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That hurt to hear ;(

Unless of course, as Marseille have done, they come out and say that this late in the window that guy won’t be leaving because we haven’t got time to replace him.

Still doesn’t explain why we’d waste a month of having the bloke in the squad for the sake of trying to play games we could have been doing the minute VVD and Gomez go down.

For starters, you are ignoring the other possible discussions Marseille are involved in…

Secondly, here we are all talking about Marseille while the club work away at other deals.

Not really. We needed a centre back on January 1st. We’re now trying to buy two on January 31st.

What has changed at Marseille or Schalke in that time? Both weren’t looking to sell. We pretend we want Caleta-Car and suddenly Schalke are on the phone begging us to take Kabak?

And even if that’s what you want to believe is happening, there’s no reason not to have been doing this at the start of the month if there were deals there to be made.

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Both clubs have astronomical debts.

To make the assumption we’ve not been in dialogue since the Van Dijk / Gomez injuries with defenders on a shortlist is just fallacy.

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I have already said as much in other posts, the club will have been speaking with agents and clubs throughout the last month and much sooner to see what deals are preferred and actually possible.

Looking like Kabak at the moment

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Very much so, although I have just seen something on Twitter saying there is a disagreement between the clubs on terms of the buy out clause. Apparently we want it as ‘option to buy’ and they want it as ‘obligation to buy’. If you believe everything else that is written all terms and fees are agreed apart from this. So just medical and buy out agreement to sort.


Still not sure how much I believe when you see stuff leaked like that. Could be an Edward ploy to leak as much Kabak news as possible in order to get another deal over the line.

Not ruling out a curveball signing from Edwards to be honest, could be Kabak all day then boom, some player not even mentioned is signed.

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I hope you’re right

OK guys, I’m out of likes, but please remember

stephen colbert love GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert


And to make me look bad, Aaron Long captained the US team in a friendly last night. But the media is exaggerating his role. It was a very weakened team. Michael Bradley has been the captain, Pulisic will be the captain when he plays and Aaron Long may or may not start.

Is actual rate him as roughly equal in resume to the Ben Davies we just signed. Championship quality with some attributes, but not the standard to be more than a stop gap for us.

In the states, the general rule is you’re allowed one dickhead, but don’t have two (aka, don’t let a dickhead hang out with other dickheads-that’s when trouble starts).

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And Djimmy Traore is a Champions League winner.

Do you recomend us going back to sign him?


We’ve been blessed with having no dickheads for some time now. Andy Carroll was the last one that comes to mind

You may have said it but that doesn’t make it true.

Either we’ve cost ourselves a month of having the player for some smoke and mirrors or we’ve only decided to make a move once Matip is out long term instead of his usual short term injuries interspersed with the odd game in between.

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