The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

*Cough Emre Can *Cough


It has been connected by people on here. It is also very unlikely to happen as Mbappe wants Madrid if and when he leaves PSG. Liverpool have never made a signing of that nature, and given the cost, I think are unlikely to.


Please do not bring race into this. IMO completely uncalled for. The article was really well written and researched. It was a very nice piece about his future. These weren’t knocks on Bissouma they were very matter of fact, and have been a problem even at Lille.

The advanced stats tell the truth. He isn’t a progressive player at all. Sideways/lateral passes and often times caught in possession.

Good player with upside. If the club sign him, I will support. But it’s a hard pass for me for £40M. Zero interest at that price.


Why on earth would anyone think that Mbappe would take a wage cut to go to a club which is not in the CL?
Forget it. It’s not happening, and it’s getting tiresome.


Because he is curious to know if he really can produce on a cold wet midweek night away at Stoke?
Because he has heard all about the third round of the league cup and wants to be able to tell his grandkids that he was part of it?
Because its not about the money its about training with James Milner and strengthening his twitter game.


It’s a regular trope that black players are unintelligent and saying he doesn’t understand tactics is playing into it - and is complete bullshit.


If he has set his heart on a move to a certain club and wants to work under a certain manager then I don’t think one year without CL would be a huge problem for someone at his age. He is smart enough to know why we are struggling this season.

The financial aspect would still be a much bigger problem than being without the CL IMO.


He’ll only experience that joy, if we get relegated. For now, he’ll have to make do with a cold, wet, midweek night away at Goodison Park. That’s enough misery for anybody.


If no CL football for one season is enough to put off a player joining, fuck them.


He’s not progressive with his passing but he is when running with the ball, which he does well. He’s very similar to Wijnaldum in that respect.

Where he differs to Gini is the defensive approach, Bissouma is a lot more aggressive/proactive than Gini.

I think he’s a big talent personally, a player who should facilitate the more attacking players to do their thing. Without Wijnaldum we’ll lack a bit of athleticism in there and Bissouma brings that in spades. He’s good technically, retains possession well, wins it back well, works hard. Ticks so many boxes. The rumoured price appears to be 30-40 million which IMO is a good deal.

On a separate note, I wonder how long it’ll take for the links to Pereira to start now that West Brom have been relegated. I didn’t make a habit of watching West Brom but I was always impressed with him when I did, seems to be a very talented footballer.


I remember a young local like that who went on to be rather good for us.


Footballers’ careers are short and precarious. Every season could be the last. It’s nice to think that a player would choose his club based on the trainer, the fans or the tradition, but it’s not realistic.

So you think a player would pick a worse club with a worse manager that nearly competes every year for several years over a better club, with a better manager, that has realistic chances of winning major honours most seasons but will miss one competition for one year?

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Don’t disagree with you.

But all footballers have different visions for their careers. Klopp has a vision for the squad and if that marries up with the players visions, it’s a goer - provided they are of the quality required.

I don’t think a player picks a club based on any one individual thing, it’s the package that counts. If a player decides that going to a club in the CL (for that season) and signing up for 3-4 years is better for them than signing up to what Liverpool has to offer, so be it.

I’d like to hope that the package of Liverpool would still appeal - The fans, the ground, the manager, the history and emotion, the recent history and the current team. Although we’ve struggled this season, any player coming in would have the chance to play in a squad full of champions. World class keeper, full backs, virgil, Mo, Sadio, Fabinho. The spine is solid.

If that package doesn’t appeal, no skin of our noses
we move on.


Those two aren’t the only options though. There are clubs who might have a chance for most seasons including next season.


Fair enough. And I’ve agreed all along he’s a budding talent with athletic gifts, if The Boss brings him in I’m all in. Just not sure where he fits in as the side is currently constructed and at £40M.

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That is not what I was saying at all. I just mean that someone like Mbappe, given a choice between Real Madrid and us, is unlikely to choose us even with CL, and even less likely without.


And they aren’t the only factors in play either so pointless limiting it to just those. Money and location are probably far stronger considerations than the manager, each of whom is realistically only ever about six months away from the sack should things go badly wrong.

Clubs not at the absolute peak will often offer far higher wages “soften the blow” of either not having the marquee manager or being in the top tier competition. We heavily insentivise contracts so that’s another reason we’d possibly see players think the grass is greener elsewere.


If Bissouma is the one, bring it on! The midfield needs freshening up, and assuming Gini is off, there is at least one hole there, maybe more depending on who else departs.

If there is a slight suspicion on attitude, when he rubs up against players like Hendo and Millie, he will be fine.

I don’t know if there’s any substance to the attitude stuff, but presumably the club will look into that side of things, before bringing him here.

Hand in hand with the portrayal of all black footballers into the hip hop look/culture being flashy and unprofessional but all white footballers into armani suits, rolex watches and Bentleys being classy and positive role models. Not enough appreciation for what is cool and positive in different cultures in our game. In someway its still deeply mirred in the 70s.