The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Not saying it’s anyone to do with the Anfield Wrap and they deserve their awards, more to do with the guy who tweeted it.

The “award winning Gutter” stuff is a bit of a running joke not to be taken too seriously.
I posted it on the basis that the Anfield Wrap lads are credible & have previous been pretty reliable. You can believe what you want, it’s literally no concern of mine.

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There’s a recorded segment near the bottom of the page where Gutman makes the claim.

YES! You absolutely should!


Just spoke to Joe Kinnear and he says we are after …

bazinga GIF

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what have you got?


Not sure how reliable this is, but for what it’s worth…


Good player, hasn’t been able to show it nearly enough, due to injury. Not sure there have been many big injuries, but it just seems to be one thing after another. A shame, as when we tied up a deal for him he was tearing it up in the Bundesliga and I was looking forward to him doing the same for us.

Will it ever happen in a Liverpool shirt? Probably not. If it hasn’t by now, there’s no reason to believe a big corner will be turned, and so reluctantly, as he is talented, I would let him go.

We won’t get our money back, not nearly, but the transaction will work financially due to the value of all players reducing, year on year, as their contract unfolds.

Our midfield needs a bit of work. Wijnaldum off, Milner almost finished - maybe one more year bit part? Henderson getting a bit older now, and racking up his own injury record. Ox and Keita injured a lot, both talented, but I would be fine if they moved on as we refreshed the midfield.

Who with? It all depends. So many variables. Maybe a Tielemans/Bissouma deal; plus a Camavinga/Gravenberch sort of thing, assuming 2-3 midfielders are off?

Midfielders out:
Wijnaldum, Keita, Ox.

Midfielders in:
Bissouma, Gravenberch.

Add them to Henderson, Fabinho, Thiago and Jones, and it has more going for it than now.


Sega Diallo rings a bell, I think he closely followed Keita’s move to Liverpool and broke some injury news about him. Please, try to find the original source of these news, accounts such as Watch LFC are clickbaiters who use the information broken by others.


That was quick! Thanks, mate! Well, I think this one might have legs. Maybe Klopp’s patience has finally run out, though I’ve thought for a while that AOC would be gone sooner.


Was just about to post this exact thought. I think it does also. Keita not even being on the bench in the last 2 matches speaks volumes in my opinion. I find it difficult to believe it’s bc of another injury. He’s off this summer IMO.


Me too, but I doubt we will let both go this summer. Plus, Ox seems to be a better dressing room guy. I hope he sticks around and finds some form. Big fan of his. Seems like a great lad.


I think we are open to selling both along with Shaqiri.

The key to most of our dealings come the summer is what Klopp wants to run next season, 4231 or 433. If we are moving to 4231 we might only need 1 midfielder to come in (alongside Jones), if we stay as 433 then 2.


And didn’t his agent tweet some bullshit as well? I’d imagine if that was true it wouldn’t sit well with Klopp whose given Keita so so many chances and time.


I agree, I absolutely love him as a player and he seems really well liked by his mates. I would hate to lose him. But I also posted in a different thread I think he still has a lot of football left in him. So I wouldn’t at all begrudge him if he wanted to seek a new challenge where he is a starter or gets regular football. I hope if he does stay that The Boss rotates him in more regularly. I still think he could do a job in a false 9 role.


Yeah, about him not being a “scavenger”. And then the bizarre tweet about if he plays tonight Liverpool will win 100%. Then he wasn’t even on the bench for that one. Odd.


Didnt he come on and play there once or twice this year? I like him up there immensely. Good athlete, long range shooter, makes center halves come out creating space for our two “wingers.” Maybe this is one of the evolutions for next season.


As much as I liked both Ox and Keita, if they aren’t featuring enough there’s no point banking on them for long term. One of them and here perhaps Ox will get one more season I presume, but I don’t have much hope it’ll change things a lot given his injury history. I hope he comes good, but having so many injury prone players affects everyone and leaves no room for rest for others.


Yep 100% Klopp has had to flog some players (Gini for example) because he’s got fuck all from the squad “depth”. I’d expect he will want to address that.