The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I’ve always though LFC was being used by agents to up the interest in their clients by other clubs. Sadly I still think unscrupulous agents and media hacks are doing the same.


It’s not really a rumour though is it for people to say Liverpool would love to have one of the best players in the world if they could afford him, which they can’t. Equally, the reports of him making kissy faces at us aren’t anything substantial.

Sarr on the other hand was both feasible and substantiated by not only more sources but also more reliable ones.

The Mbappe speculation is fun and it’s nice to dream but we all know it isn’t happening.


I will go all Keegan on you now!
I would love it… !

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I would never be so pleased to be proved wrong.

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Knowing our luck, we’d sign Mbappe and in the first derby he’d be hospitalised by some Everton thug (who’d go unpunished, of course), and miss the rest of the season.


There seems to be an assumption that PSG will require a huge fee for Mbappe, but surely they will be a bit desperate to re-coup something for him before he leaves for free next year? With only us and Real in the running (this may not be accurate of course), there isn’t much chance of a bidding war either. Basically I’m just saying the fee may be more reasonable than people think.

A lot of posters seem giddy at thought of signing Tammy Abraham for £40mil, if a deal for Mbappe can be done for double that price… … …surely? no? come’on!

The wages would still be huge, but we would also expect a signing like this to increase club revenue so that could be negated.

Enough here to keep the rumour going all summer at least!


So if he’s going to be available for “just” £80m what makes you think that wouldn’t mean more than just us and Real would be in the running? Chelsea and City for a start would be looking at that and thinking it’s probably a better deal than going after Kane.

Also, at £80m that’d still be our transfer record that needs breaking, in a pandemic, when we’ve lost a wedge of revenue. And we’re still going to need to find someone to give us a good fee for Salah or Mane, likely the latter to cover some of the cost. The only teams likely to do that that we’d deal with would be PSG or Madrid and im not even sure Madrid are in a position to do it.


He’s 22 and already set up for life through his PSG deal. Maybe, just maybe, he would accept a lower wage to play for a club that he obviously really admires and where he can see himself having fun?

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I like your thinking. Just spit balling here… but… We could offer him a chance to buy a stake in the club. He would profit from the long term success he helps create, similar to performance related pay structure in the that respect but long term way more opportunity for the player. Never heard of a deal like that being done in football, but why not?

Sending a message to JH now…

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I’m not sure they would be. Their owners have shown themselves to be willing spend cash on the club just as City’s owners have.

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yea fair point. If he doesn’t move or re-sign this summer, we are in for an intense 12 months of rumours!

Dont call JH, just keep spitting.

I was just naming another few players that had come from Chelsea to us, Joe Cole…was plagued by injuries with us, shame because I had high hopes when he signed that he’d be fantastic, especially when we had recently signed Christian Poulsen, Milan Jovanovic to name 2 terrible players

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City or Chelsea??? The word prestige comes to mind, hence why us and Real. Real have to sell before buying anyway…the rumours of Zidane leaving (possibly).

Why not believe?

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The kind of prestige that comes with being in a Champions League final you mean? Like it or not, to a young player like Mbappe, he’s seen City have more success in his lifetime than he’s seen from us. Not that history doesn’t count for something but im not sure it’ll give him quite the same rosey glow it does us.

And Real may have to sell to buy but for the kind of money Mbappe would cost, so would we.

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I’ll have whatever you lads are smoking

I really don’t think the transfer fee will be extravagant in comparison to wages. With 1yr left to go. IF he doesn’t want to sign a contract with PSG.

PSG have to really consider getting shot of him in this window. If they don’t then it’ll be a shock. I only see us needing to sell Mane or Salah, it’ll be covered.

So does by that evaluation, Monaco and Porto played out a champions league final, he played for Monaco but would he be happy to sign for Tottenham when Kane goes? I don’t see how City and Chelsea have prestige over us, maybe bias but I just don’t.

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You realise we won the CL 2 seasons ago right? And City haven’t won it yet


True. And we hadn’t won the Premier League until last year (or the league title for 30 years) but we’d have still thought of ourselves as a prestigious club wouldn’t we.

I’m simply pointing out that to someone who is 22, City and Chelsea will probably be seen as quite an attractive proposition given the most successful periods in these clubs history have come during that persons lifetime. Much like PSG.

It depends whether FFP is dead in the water or not. Sure they’d like to get some cash for him than not but it’s still going to need to be a fee worth making them not keep him for another season and keep trying to persuade him to sign. Realistically, the only place we could sell Salah or Mane to in order to raise the funds would be PSG. That means there’s a very narrow scope to making this happen and that’s before you even get into wages etc.


The rumours might well be bullshit but the only talk, from any kind of source reliable or not, is that only a HISTORICALLY massive, prestigious club THAT ALSO has realistic chances of major honours would appeal to Mbappe. So not sure why people are talking up the likes of Chelsea and City. They appeal to players who want big money. If Mbappe wants big money he’s staying where he is. So now that as the prime motivation is out can we stop talking about clubs that have zero chance of tempting the player as by reports no matter how much WE might think those clubs make sense.

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