The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

A man who got a Belgium team to #1 in the world despite having to still call upon a defenders like Vermaelen, someone who is so out of favour at anything resembling top level football he’s only accumulated about a season of football in the last 5 years


Well… ya better call Saul then…


But when it mattered in tournament football got found wanting.

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What happens in tournament football is a small factor, but obviously our scouts will have a whole body of work and various metrics to consider besides summer tourneys.

I wouldn’t be against Tielemans if the price was right, but I do think there are better out there. Saul for one. But my confidence in our recruitment team is so high that if we did get Tielemans I am sure he would do well for us.

Saul, without question.

If your old crocks are unavailable


I’d take Saul even if it would be for €60m (but I can’t see us spend more than €50m on one player atm).


The idea Belgium are underachieving for not winning tournaments is absurd. They have a collection of fine players and yet still considerable weaknesses, not the least of which this time around was fitness of their best players.


we’re 40+ man, doubt we’d be of service at the PL level anymore. I think you’re taking it out of context tho, but feel free to carry on :laughing:


I was born out of context :wink:

well, hmm …before i get really exited or in this case, disappointed, can anyone confirm that ?


If James Pearce really did write that it’s legitimately one of the dumbest things he’s ever written. In the history of the internet. Its Hall of Fame levels dumb.

EDIT: I think someone might be trolling Pearce, and his tendencies to downplay transfers.


Yeah sounds like a joke.


It’s basically what was said over Ward vs Alisson but made even more ridiculous.


What is the club really sees Leighton as the better option? Not necessarily the better player but better option for whatever reason? That we are depending on our current midfield options, bringing Leighton into first team and spend all our money on Messi.


Damsgaard anyone? Much different from any option we currently have. Reminds me a bit of Tadic from the bits I’ve seen. Stylistically, not the type of player we typically go for.


Did Romano really confirm club’s interest in Malen in some podcast or radio show or something?


No he just said a winger or forward

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Quite content to see Saul here,if it happens!
Gino needs to be replaced and at this point not with a kid.
Rather see a settled player who has been around a while.
There is a valid argument that we have a midfield already but injuries,as we saw last season can make us a bit thin.Though the kids stepped up well.

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Basically what I want as well.

If he’s saying winger or striker, then it’s obviously someone at least mobile, if not pacy. I don’t think we’re getting a target man.

So it’s either someone who is more central or a wide forward who plays more off the right (since Jota plays more off the left). Or potentially another one who can do both.

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