The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

are there any?

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Wake me when that Saul saga is done ā€¦


This summer, more than most in recent memory, I believe our incomings are dependent on our outgoings. And at this point I feel that itā€™s who leaves rather than for how much thatā€™s relevant.


The whole Saul thing doesnā€™t seem like us. We donā€™t play that way.
Man U are distracted with all their other big deals.
It looks like agent desperation

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Anyone else getting a deja vu feeling re a typical LFC transfer window of 15 years ago? Remember when all our rivals were getting stronger whilst we were navel-gazing? This situation is getting a tad worrying. Iā€™m not panicking yet butā€¦


it is easy to let those thoughts seep inā€¦

i mean, who wouldnt want Mbappe in our pre seasonā€¦

but stay firmā€¦Klopp and whole ensemble have got thisā€¦


We are either being extremely clever in keeping a decent signing quiet orā€¦.we are doing what we did 15 years ago and not doing anythingā€¦.which would be madness.


No, not in the slightest.


The difference is 15 years ago we where pretty average and the club was run quite poorly and was way behind our rivals.

Now we have an excellent squad full of genuinely world class players. Infact you could say we have some of the very best players in the world at their position. We also have a depth in the squad we have never had, and youth prospects other clubs would kill for.

All in all if we donā€™t sign anyone else this window we will still have all those things

I think weā€™ll sign players if we see others leave and free up the slots in the squad but it wont be the end of the world if we dont.

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Letā€™s not forget we already have signed a 40M CB this window :joy::joy::joy: no need for panic


Iā€™m getting de ja vu, but for the summer of 2019.

We did less business then than this summer, rested on our laurels after winning the CL whilst our rivals all strengthened.

Then we won the league.


Yes but every signing other teams make is going to be incredibly good and take them to another level.

So goes supporter logic every year :sleeping:


Completely agree with you Sweeting.

I will be honest in that like a lot of posters, I have concerns of other teams strengthening by signing great players whilst we do very little.

However, At the end of the 2018/19 season where we finished 2nd we strengthened by signing Van De Berg, Elliot and Adrian. Whilst our competitors splashed the cash. What happened, well we romped the league.

So, as a result I trust in Klopp and his staff/team and at the same time will refrain from giving up on the season before a ball has been kicked, purely because we havent splashed out Ā£x? On a player.


Sure but we canā€™t keep repeating the feat without ending up with a squad in need of a significant overhaul in another couple of years. Of course we trust Klopp and the recruitment team but it would also be great to sign a couple of quality players - in addition to Konate - capable of strengthening the playing XI.


We tend to splash quickly. Last year, lots of rumors about Thiago, heā€™s finally signed, and then Jota is announced on the back end almost immediately thereafter. So we could have a signing or two lined up.

But the season is starting in less than two weeks. I doubt Klopp wants to bring in someone that late into preseason training. It took Thiago, Fabinho, and Robbo months to settle in.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m inclined to see our relative lack of transfer activity as a reflection of limited transfer funds and the need for more outgoings before anyone else is signed.

One of the main purposes of buying new players are to refresh the team but very importantly, to improve the team.

But I think some of us are very fixated that the only way to improve the team is to keep buying players. I know we are not asking to buy 10 players every season. But putting aside that we might be adopting a very conservative financial approach, why do we not give credits to our coaching team?

Can we not improve the team by improving our current crop of players? As world class as some of them are, there are aspects they can improve on. Like as high scoring as Salah is, he does take miss alot of chances, could he not be improved by our coaching team? Could our backups not be improved by our coaching team? Is there really a need always to look at buying as the first option to improve the squad? Could we look at buying new players only as a last resort when we feel we have no other better ones within the squad?

As a fan, I have my opinions that we need to buy 2 more players this season but I have a feeling that our clubā€™s approaching, again putting aside the financial approach, to coach and improve the team and look for options within first before looking out, is probably the right option.

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ffs the hand wringing and FOMO is beginning to sound pathological. Looking at what others have and are doing is no way to live. We have bought one of Europeā€™s brightest talents this summer already. Weā€™re selling off players who may have been getting fed up with the lack of opportunities and thereby affecting squad unity. All these things are positive!

We bought Jota and Thiago last summer and yet people are talking as if weā€™re Tottenham and havenā€™t done anything in the market for years. Absolutely crazy. This isnā€™t a game. A transfer is a human player. The transfer may or may not work out. The manager may or may not be able to integrate the new player. Do people really think Ole is Gunnar (sorry) be able to integrate all his new signings rapidly and win everything in sight? Bollocks


Donā€™t apologise. That is awesome.


Thanks, I need to be more firmino with my puns

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