The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

True, but I think you can imagine getting 4-5 years out of Virgil. Hendo is less certain because of the injuries.

Also the squad has a lot of players around the age of 30 in the squad. So, we may see stronger moves to give a deal to Hendo next summer as the squad continues its transition.

Yeah, I’d expect Virgil to still be one of the best around at 35. Wouldn’t have any objections to having him on a big contract 4-5 years from now.

maybe all the contracts are being improved in readiness for the Mbappe hit next season

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Surely Hendo will sign a new paper (or maybe I am very naive) but I still feel kind of embarrassed every time I read about his contract situation in the media.

No problem if this would be Salah or VvD but the club captain (or this kind of club captain) should be untouchable.

Give him a blanco contract where he can fill in the wages and years.

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The address looks legit, but the tweet isn’t on his timeline.

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So it’s definitely on then!! AWESOME!!!

I get the sentiment, but it might result in creating the kind of domino effect that can result in putting us in similar situation like a Barca/ United (high wages, new players demanding similar, Messi stature of player > club, etc. etc.), from which it is very difficult to come back.


I remember that League Cup game which we ended up winning 15-14 ,or something like that , and how a good number of them were eminently saveable yet he didn’t get near any of them. He was just shit , all round. I can’t believe he remained first choice keeper for as long as he did.


Bowen left out of West Ham’s game today with Brentford…

The dark side of me really wants him to sign just to piss off the twitterite ‘fans’.


Bit early to say for VVD, no?

No. not really. His fitness record has been fairly good both before and after joining. He is coming off of a big injury but compare that to Hendo who has missed a fair few games each season for quit a few years now.

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Put it this way it’s too early to pronounce on VVD. All we can do is hope!
Of course your correct about Hendo but any decissions over VVD should hinge a lot over the next season imo. (we should expect to see him miss some games over the course to protect him (which shouldn’t count against him) but if his knee doesn’t hold up questions will surely be asked.
I just find it very brave to come out with what you have.

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Nothing brave about it. I think we can imagine getting 4-5 years out of him, he is only 30 and it isn’t unusual for CBs to play until they are 34-35. That of course doesn’t mean we will and any decision to offer him a new contract I am sure will be taken following advice from the medical and coaching staff.

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We’ve had some fans say ‘we always buy players early and quietly so that means we aren’t getting anyone else this window’.

Then we have the evidence of Thiago and Jota and we can see there are some holes in that theory.

My take on it is that we start discussions with a club early and ask for media silence. Sometimes a club is ok with a sale, the selling club is looking for a price in the same bracket as we are willing to buy, and the player’s agent is happy to play ball. But we always attempt to follow a script and sometimes it will work out that way and other times we will need to revert to plan B or C to try and get the player.

Perfect example of a quick, quiet sale is Fab. Done quietly. Done practically the second the CL loss was over.

Example where buying and selling club couldn’t quite agree and the saga played out in the media for a while. Like Thiago.

Then we have a transfer like Jota, which was quiet and at the last second which to me suggests either everyone is incredibly good at keeping secrets, or we spent the off season chasing a player we couldn’t quite grasp and Jota was second choice.


I have the impression our deals (outside youth squads) are at the beginning or end of the transfer windows.
I don’ know why but my guess is that we have a budget that we use at the start of the window then any additions depend on what we sell and so any ‘extras’ come later. Those that break that are ones that for some reason or other just got messy.

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I could see how that works, but there was nothing stopping us from signing Jota at the start of the window. The only significant sale was Lovren at 10m so it’s not like he was dependent on any outgoings.

I’m not saying it’s set in stone however your example of breaking my hypothesis is weak.We bought Thiago that window and if transfermadness is correct he only cost €22 million so to get Jota as well we would not have to sell much at all. Jota cost €45 million. i.e total approx.€67 million so we probably didn’t even need €10 million of sales.

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There is also the covid factor for both last season and this one. No matter how significant the effect has been, there has been an effect to some extent.

Last year with Jota we may have got him earlier, but there was an element caution about spending (if that was actual or just for appearances sake). I’m guessing we didn’t really want to be seen to be immediately throwing £40m at a player after the talk of furloughing staff.

This year less wealthy clubs could be looking for higher fees for their players to make up for short falls from alst season. We obviously don’t want to be held to ransom for a player we have an interest in.

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Agree Van Dijk takes a lot of rest during matches, a CB can do that while Henderson, a midfielder runs much more.


We aren’t discussing rumors anymore :man_facepalming:

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