The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Like when a firm approaches a nightclub owner who has never experienced troubles in years offering to protect the club for a reasonable fee. If you turn them down you know you’re going to end up experiencing the troubles that they offered to protect you from that didn’t exist before their involvement.


This is going to turn into a free Britney situation isn’t it ?


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Shaving my head just in case…


I need that shirt.

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How many would say no to a free Mbappe?


It’s just a quick Google and a few quid away.

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That would be fantastic as the transfer of Shaq to Lyon is imminent we could work out a deal with Monaco. Add camavinga and I would be very happy these two will be worth 10 times that in a years time

They’ve upped it to 6 but We want nearer to €8M? This is the L’équipe discussion tonight

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Obvious I think?


Just practicing for when he arrives.
I had a long serious chat with my son tuesday evening after 2 bottles of Avignonaise Cotés du Rhone, he’s comming whether PSG what it or not. Mbappe really is a big fan of LFC he and his family are exasperated with PSG’s public conduct and whether it’s this year or next he’s coming. There was a lot of unintelligible stuff as well that I can not remember. :smiley:


I’m not sure about writing Doku off at 19 because of his end product stats. Actually watch him for 5 minutes and it’s clear he has ability that few other players possess.

I’d be excited if that one happened, a player with incredible potential who’d offer a different threat to what we already have here.


I think the concern is, whilst he has frightening physical attributes, will he become the next Mane or the next Adama Traore?

My other concern is would he get the game time here to improve that part of his game. I very much imagine he’d been a squad type player initially and is that going to stunt his development?

Of course, with better coaches and players round him he could take a big leap forward in a short space of time. But right now the fee seems high for what he’s producing and he’s already shown signs that he wants to play every week rather than be a squad player.


Doku was trialled by LFC back when he was 16. It was a memory that has stuck with him as it was so human. It is too soon for him to be moving on imo. I think these rumors are probably due to some incredible confusion. Though I am sure he would be interested in any future interest from ‘us’. Rennes bought him last year FFS and is probably the best run club in France.


This was the intelligible stuff? :wink:


Or Hazard or Cristiano Ronaldo?

No one knows how good he’ll become, but a player who is that quick and can beat players that easily will always be a threat even if he doesn’t develop the other sides to his game.

His build and style doesn’t remind me of Traore at all, more Allan Saint-Maximum, who’s becoming an excellent premier league player. Even if that was the limit of his potential it would hardly be a disaster.


I remember both Varane and Lukaku were mentionned during the evening. :rofl:
My son is a great source of information for me as he sifts through the gumph I can not be bothered with from French sources and social media. It’s all good! :smiley:

Isn’t the problem he won’t get enough minutes to progress the relevant areas of his game? He certainly is an exciting prospect.

I’m certainly not writing him off, just saying £40mil is a big investment for a player who has some areas needing significant improvement which I feel is more gained from minutes on the pitch than just training.

Say he goes from 2 goals (last season) to 6/7 this season I’d say thats the jump we need and then we can push him on into 10+ territory. Might cost us an extra £10mil or so but I’d think we’d accept that cost to reduce the risk. It also means Elliot gets the minutes this season which I’d prefer over him or Doku personally.


Training with Klopp has improved a lot of players though. I also think he’d get plenty minutes on the pitch too. Even after bringing Jota in there were lots of times last season where we would have benefitted from an Origi alternative

100% but they also need to contribute - Mane, Jota etc. All contributed day 1, they improved from working with Klopp but they were further along with their development than Doku.

Have we ever paid over £10mil for anyone under 20? Just doesn’t seem the route we take.

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