The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

He will sign for Madrid next summer.

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Madrid could get Pogba and Mbappe on a free next summer :scream:

Mbappe this summer, Pogba and Haaland next summer.



For me Kante shades it due to his speed


I don’t say this with the intention of shutting down conversation but every mention of signing Mbappe is incredibly boring.


I’ll just counter that with ‘this transfer window has been extremely boring’. :wink:
After a long hard season and a transfer window soo boring that most of us have forgotten we actually have signed a player some/any distraction is necessary, even if it’s repeated to infinitum. :smiley:

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If we didn’t have Klopp and if we didn’t have Michael Edwards pulling strings in the back ground where we live in a world where the first we hear about a player being signed is when he is already on board a plane then I’d agree.

In the meantime we’be had a tough year, we’re football fans at heart and one of the most converted players in the world has been linked with us for over 24 months.

Let us dream :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Linked with us
by us

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 and many other sources that mention just LFC and RM. What more do you want?


Can you name a single reputable source?

My son, he reads a lot more than me on the subjet (as I indicated before somewhere). :wink:
I’ll get back to you however his, Mbappes, family, might be worth listening to?

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Ok, the mirror itself ain’t reliable, but they are quoting L’quipe as the original source. Not sure how reliable L’quipe are. @Flobs being based in France might possibly know better.

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Is there such a thing anymore? “Reputable” sources literally denied our attempts to sign Thiago till it was completed.


Bellingham to Chelsea rumours :cry:

To be honest, the way transfers into Liverpool have occurred in the last few years, I reckon Klopp and Edwards are the only reliable sources.

Still fun to hear all the ITK stuff though!


The Office No GIF


He will be available again in about 3 years


The thing that I don’t get is how fans are connecting dots from 2017 with what is happening at the club 4 years later. If the private jet meeting was over 4 years ago then that was prior to us signing Salah. Who is to say that it wasn’t one or the other? I mean that’s the most likely, right? If Salah was the fallback plan, then perhaps Monaco’s asking price was just completely out of the realms of what we could do at that time? Could anyone have imagined it would take £160m to prize him away from Monaco? Have we had any private meetings with him since we signed Salah?


A 4-year-old article from the mirror :man_facepalming:t2:.

I get that we do things more quietly these days, but there was plenty of chat about VVD and Thiago before they signed. Anything re MBappe is self-generated and, like someone said above, getting really boring.

We have the best Liverpool team that many of us can remember. Why not just enjoy these days of Mane and Mo rather than fantasising over Mbappe

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It’s only boring because MbappĂ© to Liverpool is the worst kept secret in football transfer history, amirite?

About time the conversation moved on from whether we’re signing MbappĂ© to who are we signing to play alongside him