The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

So, Chelsea’s starting position over Mount is £70m?

Good luck with that, hope someone else’s money gets spent, even if it’s lower.

Clearly a joke. They’ll get 45-50m max.

Mount reminds me of Ox. Good attacking midfielder, on the edge of the England team, doesn’t quite hit the heights, London club think it’s time to cash in.

We’ll buy him and he’ll have two or three good games before being injured for the rest of his contract.

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Don’t see why they wouldn’t start from £70m to end up at £45 plus add ons rather than start at £40m and end up at £25m plus addons.

That would be kinda stupid no?

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But those journalists are amazing.

There they are, 2-3 of them on the Athletic (Honigstein, Johnson and then Pearce basically confirming through his tweet), writing a long article about Mount.

Makes sense, homegrown, English, good age, versatile, technical, works hard, baby face, cleanly shaved, the lot.

But then nobody’s touching on the position aspect, how much would it really make sense on the pitch, how Klopp would make it all work. That, well, is the managers job to figure something out.

Suddenly you can make a case that it makes a lot of sense, but when you go deeper, it’s a bit so-so.

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I wonder what Curtis Jones would think if he read that article. He and Mount are pretty similar in terms of positional versatility, even if their playing styles are different but one would think that signing Mount and another central midfielder would spell the end for Jones - unless Jones reinvents himself as a deep-lying midfielder. That said, the very thought of Liverpool looking at such a player, regardless of whether the club actually sign Mount, should concern Jones.

As for Mount… I’ve always admired his natural talent and my admiration probably peaked with CL final they won. Not sure what happened to him afterwards, maybe Chelsea simply eat their young. At 70 million, though, I’d give him a wide berth. For half of that, I probably wouldn’t mind him.


But their role isn’t to work out how it makes sense on the pitch. Their job is to drive clicks and that type of piece does that.

In their defence though, if they have genuine information that leads them to think the club is looking then it’s fair to leave the “how would he fit” aspect up to the people actually looking to buy him rather than second guessing.

As I mentioned previously, Mount has said he thinks his best role is as an 8. Just because he has played elsewhere doesn’t mean that’s the role we have to use him in. Wijnaldum came from Newcastle as a more attack minded player. Elliott wasn’t a CM until Klopp got hold of him. Mane was a right winger until we switched him over. We all thought Nunez would be our central attacker but he’s playing off the left mostly.

I’m quite happy for journalists to report what they know/have been led to believe and leave worrying about where the player may fit up to the people that have a vision for that (or for us to argue about on here).

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In sales, you always price high, expecting to be negotiated down. Normal.

Chelsea will be well aware that their price isn’t overly ridicules given clubs like United and Newcastle could bite.

But it’s a big piece, trying to cover everything. It’s not their job to try and solve Klopp’s puzzle, but they can at least touch on it, discuss, raise questions, make arguments, look at what he did so far in all teams he played. Because that’s what’s actually the most interesting part. Where and how he will make next steps.

I see positional and stylistical room for him at the likes of Tottenham and Newcastle. United not so much, but they do love stacking up #10’s on a pile, don’t they.

Yep. Also mainly, Chelsea don’t give a shit what the person buying their player does with them, when it comes to the pricing - which is what my post was about.

From that list it does seem like we are lining up multiple options per position.

Left sided no.8 - Mount, Mac Allister, Veiga - All profile very similar, attack minded midfielder type.

I believe Le Fee is off to Dortmund as part of the Bellingham replacement!

Elliot should not be discounted, he is doing very well.

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They can’t talk about that stuff with any confidence so they just talk about surface value things like “he works hard”.

Mount is a #10 who can do a job at #8 (and so far to very mixed success at best).
Mac Allister is a LCM #8 who can do a job as a #10.

But I don’t see them as the same type of player. I’d actually prefer Alexis out of the two. Get a dynamic midfielder for the RCM spot, Mac Allister to compete and share game time with Thiago next season, who will most probably play his final season with us.

Great; we can sign him in two years’ time for £100m.


I’d agree I prefer Mac Allister but clearly Klopp sees something in Mount, so we are either going to 4231 or we will be doing a Gini with Mount.

Mac Allister


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It’s clearly not a piece intended to discuss how he’d fit here or anywhere else. It’s exploring who is interested, what Chelsea may want for him and why he’s looking to move on and what talks may have happened.

There will no doubt be that kind of piece in time and probably from someone more familiar with Liverpool than those authors.

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Okay, but I honestly don’t see why they can’t touch a pretty important aspect over Mason Mount. It’s all part of the reasons why he’s in this situation, both for club and country lately (weak WC, now dropped from the latest squad).

Hopefully no different than he was already thinking - I need to get my health and fitness in order so I can make myself available for selection. Space has been left for Jones to fill within the squad and has done well when available, but he is emblematic of our problems this season - players not available when needed. That opportunity will not stay open for him forever

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I saw that 70 mil number and thought to myself that new owner doesn’t really know his ass from his tits does he :rofl:

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I dont think Mount or Mac Allister are good enough.