The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Well this is the “Unreliable rumours discussion” thread, so its exactly a place to find such people. :stuck_out_tongue:

Like I heard someone say recently, you can only be one of two types of people. Someone who waits for the club (or club’s mouthpiece journo) to inform you whether the club has signed a player, or someone who goes in for the roller-coaster day by day update, which is very obviously going to be unreliable because at that moment and time, the parties involved have simply not made final decision!

2 midfielders total (so 1 more), a RB and a 21/22yo CB is my guess.

MacAllister looks in the bag.

Based on links so far, it will be one or two more, from Kone, Thuram, Szoboszlai, Veiga. Maybe one or two other possibles can be added to that list, but those names currently seem most prominent.

Of the central defenders, Van de Ven seems most likely to me, but there are a few names there, too.

With the emergence of Bajcetic and Jones, we must be having a good think about our needs.

I lean towards two midfield signings and a central defender, on the assumption that all three of Thiago, Fabinho and Henderson are sticking around. If one of this group is leaving, and it’s not too hard to imagine that might be the case, then three midfielders incoming seems more likely.

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I hope we bring two more, not just one. It is laughable, but we’ve actually lost 4 midfielders: Milner, Keita, Ox & Melo ( :see_no_evil:). Bringing in 2 would be only doing the bare minimum and quite possibly having to lay the responsibility on kids again. If we really want to make a statement of intent then 3 midfielders in will do that.

Its also likely that shoring up the midfield resolves much of our defence issues too. Both Virgil and Matip were horribly getting exposed last season due to our buttery middle. We might be able to postpone the CB signing to next season or Jan. Although that might be leaving things too late again, this time on the defensive side so I can see the argument.

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More than £70m with Thuram and Koné available for much less, I call BS …


Think we will get both Thuram and Kone. If Klopp wants to play Trent in the mid then i think we will get one between Thuram/Kone and a RB.

I think the trauma of this season’s relative collapse make people really under appreciate how borderline transformative even 2 starting CMs will be and how strong the corp will look with those additions.

Sure, it’s a big ask to sign 2 and have them both start from the get go, but let’s give one of them the leeway to ease into the side like Fabs did. If by Christmas we have, just as an example, Mac Alister and Thuram starting the majority of our important games, having Jones, Baj, Hendo, Thiago and Elliott to call upon for the third spot is a LOT of players and LOT of talent. And that allows us to even move on one additional player in Fabs.


If I’m picking between Thuram and Kone I’d lean towards Kone. He has stronger defensive stats and I am looking for a successor to Fabinho this summer.

I was surprised with how creative Thuram appears to be and, on paper at least, he looks more suitable for an 8 role than a 6.


We started with 10 players, which is way too many. The strategy seemed to be that having enough players would cover the individual fitness limitations of those players, and it back fired. The whole point of this summer is moving on players who were not able to contribute and bolster the ranks with new players who can, but that then means you neither need nor want a 1 in 1 out approach. Or likely anything close to it.


Thuram seems interesting as his defensive stats dont jump out, yet every comment from everyone close to him highlights how immense he is in that area of the game. My reading of it is a player who has been used in a variety of roles early in his career, but who has the tools to settle into a beast of a player in the deeper positions of our defense.


Thuram stylistically looks more like Pogba to me, rather than a lazy description of a mainly defensive type of destroyer. I don’t know whether Thuram or Kone could potentially replace Fabinho at #6. There is also a difference if they were used in the single or double pivot. We’ll see who it is, what positions they have in their locker and what can happen with time. We have other players here who can do a job at #6 at least in the short term.

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Does he wear high vis jackets, have mad hair and dance about?

I would like us to get Thuram and Kone, and I don’t think Trent comes into it. Went Trent marauds into midfield, that essentially creates a four in midfield, so I don’t think the number change too much.

Mac Allister

That would be a fine pool to draw on for the midfield, and I think we can afford to lose Fab or Thiago if a decent offer comes in.


We need kone and thuram.
Cant rely on thiago or hendo anymore


Thing is we can’t just stock pile players just in case. Two midfielders should be enough in addition to those we already have. We can’t build a squad planning on a long term injury. Two midfielders should allow us to rotate more and make better sub decisions. Not overplay either the youngest players or the oldest.
I don’t have any worry about Hendo or Thiago as long as you’re not planning around using them weekly.

I would want a 3rd midfielder if Thiago or Fabinho were to leave.

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For me bringing in 3 now would be for long term planning, assuming the 3 we are being linked with are genuine quality. Thiago is probably leaving next summer when his contract ends. Matips contract is also due to end then. I’d be open to using Fabinho as a backup for the backline to help create space in the squad…


we arent stock piling. 3 have left so need replacing

Well, one player left and we now have space in the physio room.

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