The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Well chance of winning something is his reason. They have no reason to but maybe Conte wouldn’t want a lad who doesn’t want to be there and is willing to spend 70m or so on a younger lad who is. Even at the cost of being worse than Kane. I’m sure Jürgen wants Mane here next season but if he doesn’t want us, then we have no problem selling him on for example

I don’t think it will happen though. But fun to imagine

Spurs may think it is easier to replace him now they are back in the CL and have a manager with a big reputation. They are also in a similar situation to us as Son, Kane and Moura are all 29+

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Difference being that Kane still has a couple of years left on his contract while Mane is a FA in 12 months. Its easier to bring us to the table for talks - knowing its our very last opportunity to cash in - than it would be to bring Spurs to it.

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Kane is 28 (for another 7 weeks or so)…

Stories are that in addition to making the Kulusevski deal permanent (30 odd million), Conte is looking for up to 5 new players, and they really don’t have players in enough regard to raise the money to fund that. Bergewin might get 20 million and beyond that it’s empty. @redfanman also makes the great point that this summer is the best opportunity they have had for year to bring in quality players given their manager and CL status. If they wanted money to take advantage of that and set them up for the longer term, Kane would be the one to let go.

It’s still difficult to make it make too much sense, but the more I think about the more I make it fit in my head (the way watching a clear non penalty on VAR enough times will convince you it was a pen).

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Two years left on his contract (in case that’s not already been mentioned), so if Spurs did want to cash in it’s likely their last chance to get a fair amount.

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Yeah that’s a good way of thinking about it as well.

No, he’s not. He’s just obsessed with transfers.

Also wanted Klopp out in 20/21 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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They know it’s bullshit and will generate people checking their SM and listening to the podcast.

Purely all about generating hits and money

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Haha, that’s outrageous. But maybe not surprising, there are quite a few knee-jerkers on those shows…


Agree, it’s just for entertainment IMO. He was also all in for Carlos Bacca a few years ago.


Disgraceful behaviour.

Basically a done deal, then.

Yeah nah they’re covered

The Kane rumour is utter bollox imo.

Bummer. I was well prepared to be all in on Kane to Liverpool this summer, I need to keep getting positive hints and news.

Don’t throw me off this speeding train.

Harry oder nichts.

Never heard him obviously make anything up. If he’s heard something, it’s from somebody of knowledge.

Tottenham must be really pushing the FFP envelope. How much interest are they paying on the stadium debt? (Assuming interest on loan capital for infrastructure investment is not exempt)

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For some reason, I read it as Tottenham owner injects 150mil into Conte’s Chest

bouncing boobs GIF


Basically anything they sell

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