The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

He rubbed a lot of people the wrong way when he was about 18 and interviewed after a game - might have been in the FA Cup - and he said that he thinks he should be starting for the first team. He was certainly not short of confidence back then.

I actually think he’s humbled himself quite a lot, a shade too much maybe, as he has learned the tactical side of the game but I still see “bad attitude” as something that gets thrown at him and I think that’s unfair

Also there are a lot of fan accounts on Twitter that know absolutely nothing about youth football but just like to be right so when they hear someone from the youth team break in, with a bit of cockiness/swagger to them, then they immediately write them off and will never change from that opinion. It’s easy to say a young player is not going to make it because 99% of the time you’re proven right and you get to do a little victory lap on Twitter. Unfortunately for these accounts they’re wrong about Jones.

Basically Twitter is an absolute cesspit of bile, hate and narcissism.


Gerrard started as a RB then moved into midfield. Barnes started as a winger before moving to midfield. Carra started as a midfielder before moving to RB then again moved to CB.

Your argument is moot as players often change roles



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Fair point

What has this got to do with anything I’ve said?

In the team I feel it’s either Jones or Carvalho not both and you’re here giving examples of when we’ve changed player positions when I literally just used Elliott as an example of us changing him from a winger to midfield to justify why he might impact Jones number of appearances/playing time.

Carvalho will play wide in the front three or possibly as a 10 if we’re more of a 4-2-3-1 shape. Curtis isn’t playing as a wide forward for us (unless through necessity) or as a number 10. He’s an 8 and I suspect we’ll see him getting a lot of appearances off the bench for Henderson this coming season now we can make five subs. That is the role he really needs to nail down if he’s going to make it here.

Elliott played wide right in the Championship. He doesn’t really have the pace to play wide for us whereas Carvalho does.

It’s almost as if they’re two different people with different skills and attributes and what we did with one has no bearing on what we do with the other.


Some people still question Trent ffs. I think it must be a local lad thing. Some fans don’t like them appearing too big for their boots

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Elliott at Blackburn:

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Sorry, meant right :man_facepalming:t2:

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I’m sorry, my brain is miniscule, but why do you need more pace to play wide left than wide right?

haha @Bekloppt

(I think the argument is that the PL is faster than the Championship rather than some left v right coded political comparison)

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I am indeed just royally fucking up my point by getting my lefts and rights confused and not even being consistent in my incompetence.

Very much a case of I don’t think he has the pace to play wide in a front three for us, irrespective of which side that may be on :man_facepalming:t2:

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You wanted a midfielder… You get a midfielder…


How on earth did he make 55 appearances?

He’s so short no one noticed?

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This still makes me laugh

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Or, Henry has his eyes on another yacht and so is refusing to sanction the purchase of the CM that Ward identified and wanted.

There is one person who will go unnamed insists that our transfer activity from (I think) 2 summers ago demonstrated Klopp wanted to change and then we didnt, which is evidence something went wrong (probably he wasnt given even more money to buy the one more player who would have solidified that turn). It is a demonstrable fact!

The bigger adaptation we will face is how to not get Mo crowded out by the introduction of a more traditional CF (if that is indeed how Nunez will play).

A scout I was close with when I was a kid used to say there were a lot of people in the industry making their money just telling people why kids wouldnt make it because that requires no imagination or effort at all, and is something you can more directly influence than you can finding a way to help kids make it.

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Do you remember how bleak periods around 2010 were?


Lies, we all know football ceased to exist between summer 2009 and October 2015…