The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)


In pounds the price is Ā£101m. Which I suspect will work out at 80m plus add ons.

In which case, Iā€™d say get it done.

His price isnā€™t going down, and if we think he is the transformative midfield signing we need, then it doesnā€™t make sense to wait.

We surely have the money.


Really donā€™t see us getting Bellingham with the figures being chucked around and other clubs being linked. Not because we couldnā€™t get him but I think theyā€™ll see it as too rich for our taste and walk away. Itā€™s not like the Nunez situation where weā€™ve covered half his initial fee with Mane going. Weā€™re going to be replacing Milner/Ox whoā€™ll be off for nothing.

Secondly, thereā€™s the wages. Heā€™ll be what, 20 or 21 next summer. Imagine the disruption itā€™ll cause bringing in someone that young on what will be massive wages for someone of his age. Donā€™t know who his agent is but Sancho is the benchmark that has been set. Itā€™s almost the exact blueprint for him. And you donā€™t get bought for Ā£100m and then ask for Ā£100k a week, even if you are well grounded (or as well grounded as this game allows you to be.)

I also worry about how many miles he has in his legs already. Heā€™s already played about 150 games by 19. Thatā€™s an insane amount for someone his age and in that position particularly.

Really think the club will already be looking elsewhere. Heā€™s good but heā€™s not the second coming of Steven Gerrard and the cost of this will be mental.


Pounds. Sorry, havenā€™t got the symbol on my keyboard.

We are obviously interested in him, and I think if weā€™d been led to believe heā€™d want 350k weā€™d have long made it clear weā€™re swerving it.


Itā€™s definitely the sort of deal that makes me nervous. The supposed advantage of buying a younger player who hasnt peaked is that you are getting them for cheaper than theyā€™d cost if you wait until they are performing at the level you think they can hit. More and more, weā€™re seeing high profile younger player priced as if theyā€™ve already hit that peak. You get the advantage of more of their best years, but at way more risk. Iā€™m confident in our team to make the right assessment, but he doesnt strike me yet as being anything like a 100 million pound player.


Based purely on stats - Bellingham would be our 5th choice midfielder.

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Everyone at the top of the food chain will be interested. The more interest the more that fee and wages will go up. We were interested in Tchouameni until that got a bit rich for our taste.

Just think the clamour for him will see the numbers skyrocket beyond our comfort level.

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Iā€™m generally sceptical to super high fees for midfielders, unless they have something very tangible about them in terms of how they could affect a particular team.

In Bellinghamā€™s case I just donā€™t know. Itā€™s obviously about what he could be in a few years, but even though I like him a lot, I donā€™t really see him do anything that makes me think Ā£100m. Most of all I think it would be an amazing deal for Dortmund.

But again, thatā€™s coloured by my general bias against wild fees for midfielders.

Edit: and also, what @rab says: I think weā€™ll be priced out of it.


My view is the same as when talking about Mbappe prior to this summer.

It was always a possibility to sign him, but only in the instance that Klopp wanted him and he only wanted to play for us and us only and was willing to take a paycut to facilitate the move.

The same is true when it comes to Bellingham and I havenā€™t seen anything more convincing than we saw with Mbappe. A few name drops, a healthy respect for the club and players etc but Iā€™m not sure why so many are convinced that he is our number 1 midfield target.

Certainly if the wages canā€™t be compromised on, I think itā€™s a non-starter.

Obviously every deep pocketed club in the world will want him, but we go to the front of the queue if he wants to come here. On that score we have all seen the snippets along the way with Hendo, and it really looks like there might be something in this.

Bellingham seems a level headed lad, advised by his parents. We will pay him well from the outset, but with more to come as he does it in a red shirt. In the short term he could probably get a bit more elsewhere, but he will have his whole career in mind, and I can really see him wanting to come and shine in this Liverpool team under Klopp.

We could have a good 6-7 years out of him and he could still have a big move to the likes of Real Madrid, in his prime years, if thatā€™s what he wanted to do.

The money side of it all has long been obscene, so I will let the club do the hand wringing on that one. If he is the player that has been identified, and if he wants to come here, and we can make it work financially, bring it on!

Bellingham, Jones and Elliot looks very tasty indeed. We have an aging breed who are in the driving seat now, but will share minutes with the new breed as we go, until being usurped.

Oh, and one more comment. We have form for being able to go big, but also finding great value to play alongside. So we arenā€™t suddenly buying a midfield full of Ā£100M players, if we factor in Jones as from within, and Elliot as a cheap youth singing from Fulham.

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One more thought. While it may well be different people, there is a lot of clamour for us to sign ā€˜properā€™ cover for Fabinho, but there is also a lot of people talking about a long term midfield of Bellingham, Elliott and Jones.

Iā€™m not sure the two train of thoughts align.


Itā€™s not necessarily the same people making both of these arguments, but the existence of the former does at least highlight a limitation of the latter - what changes would we need to make, or weakness would have to accept, to adopt such a forward thinking midfield without a dedicated holder?

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I agree watching him in his last match for England he played ok but worth 100M nah I am sure we can get a far better player for that kind of money we are always priced out of the market for English players.
Donā€™t get me wrong if we can get him for say 50M we could make him a great player as we did for Hendo and Robertson.

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@ZinedineBiscan time to unlock the Jude Bellingham thread!?

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No excuse. 100m lbs? :roll_eyes:

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Might be the club saving face. I doubt we lost interest in Tchouameni or that the fee was too high. Merely that he chose RM over us judging by all the rumours about a week before he went there, which is obviously a fairly common theme with French players

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Sure, why not

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Agreed. It would have to be those three, plus a solid #6 or maybe two of them.

If we are willing to spend 100mil on a 19 year old, why not spend 50m each on 2 players. And it will be hard to convince me that there arenā€™t 2 players out there who are at least as good as Jude for 50mil each. He is very good but nowhere near world class and for 100mil that is what you must get, not potential. Check the last time someone paid Dortmund 100mil for a young player that had like 2 pretty good seasons at top flight football. Check how that has turn out.