The Walking Eagle thread

So what would happen if this were to be confirmed post November elections but prior to being swarn in in January? Would the presidency just go to whoever his running mate is, or would there be some other protocole for this?

This would be a removal by reason of incapacity if he had been sworn in - which is a function of the Cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment. If it was in between, it gets into uncharted waters. If the Electoral College votes him through, I believe Congress must vote to accept those results. Presumably that is where some intervention could occur.

However, I would be very leery of a diagnosis that is informal, based on limited observation only, and possibly partisan in perspective. I doubt many physicians would make such a public and speculative diagnosis. Trump is an old man with limited attention span, it may be the very early stages of dementia related to Alzheimer’s, or maybe it is just someone who has limited capacity for self-regulation for decades drifting off.

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I cannot imagine a Trump cabinet invoking the 25th no matter how bad he gets. This is not going to be a normal cabinet, but one carefully selected for commitment to the Heritage Society vision. These people are typically labelled as “Trump Loyalists” but they are loyal to him only to the degree that he is the vehicle for them being able to advance their agenda. They wont want to take a chance on the VP being as empty a vessel as Trump is and potentially getting in their way.

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A 77 year old bloke who needs a nap in the afternoon is nothing unusual.
I’m the last to defend that twassock, but claiming it’s a sign of dementia is hyperbole.


I take naps in the afternoon. That is not the same thing as a now demonstrated pattern of not being able to stay awake in a situation that absolutely demands it. I think it is difficult to not pathologize it given the context of him running for office.

As for the specific dementia angle, it is not an isolated observation. His odd forward lean when standing and his increased verbal confusion…trailing off into dead ends, slurring, and frequently inserting the wrong subject into whatever he is saying…have all been pointed out already as signs of dementia, which makes additional signs more pertinent.


And lets not forget, he crapped his daks in Marine 1 when being flown to John Hopkins hospital.

He needs Trump Diapers !

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there.

I read somewhere his forward lean and weird posture is because his bespoke shoes have higher than normal heels and a thicker sole structure to make him appear taller than he is.

Sounds totally absurd, but somehow for the orange shit-gibbon not so much.

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He also sits on any chair like he is about to lay some cable.

How long until we never have to think about him again?

Too long.

This is consistent with the idea that the Trump sneaker was an SEO play to make search results about this practically disappear. But I don’t buy it. He is legitimately 6 feet plus even with an age induced slouch and it is relatively new consistent with the onset of some new medical issue

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Isn’t he 6’3" anyway? How much taller does he need to be?

Sounds like he’s very insecure about shortness elsewhere.

But not when being flown on a goverment helicopter


Trump claims he is ‘ambidextrous’ - proceeds to give wrong definition of the word

Donald Trump is many things. However, he does not appear to be ambidextrous. Nor does he appear to understand what the word “ambidextrous” actually means.

The former president seems, in fact, to have confused the word with multitasking, or the ability to multitask.

Trump was speaking during an interview on Telemundo 51 when he was asked how he was balancing his family life with his ongoing legal issues.

The 77-year-old said he was ‘putting it aside’, before misusing the word “ambidextrous”, appearing to believe it meant the ability to do two or more things well at the same time.

“I’m very ambidextrous, so to speak, I can do a lot of things at one time,” he said. “And I’m willing to do and able to do things and lots of different things.”

The clip has been met with derision online, and it wasn’t long before the clip was posted by the account for President Biden’s re-election campaign, with the caption: “Trump, confused: I’m very ambidextrous, so to speak. I can do a lot of things at one time.”

Senile? Thick?

I’m betting on both.


Shades of NC State basketball star Charles Shackleford’s immortal quote: I can dribble with my right hand and I can dribble with my left hand. I’m amphibious.


Since we’re laughing at the ridiculous shit that has come out of that dumb cunt’s mouth, anyone remember this?