The Walking Eagle thread

Yes, the dirty secret of the power of the court is they have no enforcement power. There are various law enforcement agencies that are assumed to automatically uphold any ruling they give, but as soon as that ruling is openly defied by another branch of government then it’s an assumption that doesnt hold. So as Andrew Jackson once said to them when they gave him a ruling he didnt like reinforcing the sovereignty of Native land, “you have made your ruling now let me see you enforce it” as he then went on to allow the very thing the court had just ruled illegal.


All totally normal stuff for President Shit fer Brains.


Said the man whos hotels and casino have filed for bankruptcy on 6 ocasions due to there inability to meet payments


He absolutely stinks of corruption.

2 Likes^tfw


It’s extraordinary. How completely fucked up the US is.
They have come to believe that the security apparatus that they themselves set up after the second world war, and which has provided peace and security ever since, is their enemy. On top of that, the ruthless dictator of a totalitarian state is their ally.
It’s beyond surreal.


Worth noting too that only one NATO member has ever evoked Article 5, the United States.


First time I have noticed this thread. Thought it was some NFL or Icehockey-nonsense, so never clicked in before. Surprised to see a third US politics thread.

I clicked now because I assumed it was something about the so called superbowl :rofl:

But no, much more interesting actually! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Me too…:rofl:

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There are too many US politics threads and I find it unsettling.


Especially as there is only one masculinity thread! :wink:

March 25 - mark your calendar.

That fat fuck is finally going to be forced to spend eight hours a day for possibly six whole weeks , with his big gob firmly shut and his lawyers having to be very careful with their grandstanding while all the sordid details of the hush money case are aired in open court.

Regardless of the verdict , it already feels like justice has been done just by finally getting the cunt into court.


Even before that, Engoron is widely expected to announce the verdict in the Tump Org II fraud case tomorrow likely leaving him somewhere around half a billion $ lighter in the wallet

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Hope this guy gets absolutely nailed one day soon…


Its obviously time consuming and expensive to manage so many legal cases at the same time, but one of the underappreciated challenges of it is the need to coordinate the defenses because any argument in his defense in one case can be used against him in a different case. This speaks to some of that difficulty


Katyal is excellent. I’ve got a lot of time for him. Here’s hoping that the walls are closing in on Trump and he will come to justice before gaining the Presidency again. Getting back into the Whitehouse is his play. It’s his safest option, and it looks like it’s a real race against time.


  • $360 million in direct penalties, likely raising to near $500 in total costs given the way NY requires them to be paid.
  • Appealing the ruling/penalty requires him immediately posting 120% of the total as a bond
  • 3 year ban on operating a business in NY
  • Additional financial penalties for the kids in the millions
  • Some absolutely stinging commentary from the judge in this verdict



made me snort my tea out of my nose!