The Walking Eagle thread

Am I right in thinking that he now owes over $1bn as a result of court decisions, fines, bills, etc?


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If you factor in all the various Trump related lawsuits, we’re now well over 3 billion. But Trump himself is ONLY at at $500m of that (this case and the E Jean Carroll case), and the Smartmatic vs Fox case was $2.7 by itself.

Here is a nice piece on his financial options

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In my career, I have worked extensively with Americans, in particular with both Democratic and Republican appointees in government. I have had the privilege of being in the Oval Office, and asked to put my hand on the Resolute Desk. I would never say we saw eye to eye, but there was always mutual respect and a genuine friendship.

I have no idea what the fuck Americans are thinking now.

Fashion thread

Holy shit I’ve just seen a picture of these trainers. :rofl:

Anyone buying them seriously needs an image transplant

Should have scratched war-mongers onto it. I will never understand the reverence people here have for America. The cause of most of the world’s problems, certainly the wars anyway


Ireland, you mean? I do find that a bit odd too.

Makes no sense.

There wouldn’t have been a Good Friday Agreement without the yanks.


But that attitude has been there in the Republic since lone before the GFA.

I’m assuming Joe is speaking about NI seeing as that’s where he’s from , and I don’t think we need to go into the historical support for the Republicans from across the pond.

Yeah but have you heard about Hunter Biden?

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Staggering, yet not surprising

Trump posted his bond on the EJC award, but required a loan to do so.

This loan would have been banned under the original terms of the verdict, but that portion was stayed by the appellate court on appeal. The organization that has lent him the funds is owned by a man who has and will expect to continue to receive political favour from Trump as president.


How’s the swamp draining going?

Drain the swamp.

Fill it with horse piss.


Interesting, if predictable, insights from the inner circle…