The What's cooking thread

i want red and i see green.

I don’t usually leave them on the vine that long, once they’re past yellow I pull them off.

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I do think you can grow some good bird’s eye chilly too. I know a good sambal recipe.

All peppers, just planted a bit late

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We eat a lot of garden this time of year, so it really covers both. Just removed two of the four zucchini plants to make way for second sow of beets. that’s the empty space next to the tomatoes.

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what timber are you using on your raised garden beds? is it chemically treated and lined or a raw native species?

im trying to set up a decent veggie plot (had an area for years but re arranging the back yard)

I was once served a whole baked banana in a chicken curry while on holiday in Ibiza, decades later and I still haven’t worked out what the fuck the chef was thinking.

Yellow Cedar, very high oil content and I gave it an extra brush with some veg oil to prevent rot

Are you sure it wasn’t plantain or anything like that?

Nope, I’ve had plantain before, was definitely a banana. Probably the chefs having a laugh to see what they could get away with.

It actually intrigues me enough to want to try it…

@cynicaloldgit Banana curry | Tesco Real Food

that recipe seems like it needs a bit of coconut cream in it.

Eggs on toast with fresh made Pico de Gallo



You forgot the food of Beornings. I think Gimli mentioned that they were good bakers.

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My sister was reading the van Tulleken book and I think it made her think twice about her kids’ vegan fad.

The problem with lots of ultra-processed food is that it is very cheap and has a long shelf-life so it forms the basis of many low income families’ diets.

One of my very early jobs was working in the labs at a food factory on the Wirral. It’s quite an eye opener and also fascinating how mass produced food is actually made.

I suppose the problem is how you can make food that is healthy, cheap and long lasting. A lot of it actually does come down to techniques that many turn their noses up at: canning, dried food, frozen food and preserves. Add to that some decent flavouring so it doesn’t all resemble tasteless mush.

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Worked at a veggie burger factory when at school / college. Never, ever, ever eat a veggie burger. Interestingly the product remained the same despite the boxes they were put in. Sainsburrys, Tesco, Marks, all the same absolute shit made by hungover students with very questionable hygiene standards.

As for 57% of the UK’s diet being highly processed, given that ours is a bag of chicken nuggets and fish fingers a month for the odd treat Friday, some must be on 90% or more.