The What's cooking thread

I oughta charge you for my suggestions.

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I thought that Veeraswamy was the oldest. :thinking:

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Can think of worse things to watch than these videos - Simple cooking at its absolute best - Zillions of views canā€™t all be wrong eh

Made biryaniā€¦ Yes again

Used a masala brand called Shan Biryani masala. Its a Pakistani brand. Added my extra spices, chilly powder etc etc on top but it did turn out very well.

Recommended for use if you lot get it there.

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Found it on Amazon. Thank you, sir.

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You all shouldnā€™t have doubted @Sithbare and me. I just used made a boss biryani using Shan. Has a decent bite to it too.

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Take lessons , my old aged padawan.

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I might need to get out moreā€¦ never ever seen a sandwich cut like this before -
Going to try it myself next time I make one - see how the bread to crust ratio works out :0)

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Whatā€™s those pink things?


processed boiled ham

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Not a curry fanā€¦ but might be of interest to some hereā€¦

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This is right up @Alright_Now_Legend alley.

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Okay, I didnā€™t cook it myself but you canā€™t beat a good haddock and chips.


Itā€™s even better now that thereā€™s not newpaper ink on it as well.
Personally prefer Cod but Haddock is good too, a favorite of mine when in England.

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newspaper soaks up all the oil, nothing wrong with it

Halibut is best though, in a good beer batter.


In the UK, personal preference is Haddock over Cod.

When back home, nothing beats grilled Barramundi :drooling_face:

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I have nothing against the paper itā€™s the ink I didnā€™t like on my food, fingers and tongue.
Best is the wrong word it should be a preference, Many fish fry well particularly in batter. :grin:

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