The What's cooking thread

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I am not a big fan of sweet potato as it typically eats too sweet, but when paired with this green onion vinaigrette (chopped green onion, white wine vinegar, dijon mustard, salt, pepper, olive oil) the sweetness is balanced well so made this hash last night.

  • Cut them until chunks and boiled until about 3/4 cooked
  • Toss them together with cubed green bell pepper and red onion in olive oil, salt, pepper, and thyme
  • Put them in a hot cast iron pan and pad down to make sure every inch of the pan is in contact with some of the potato so it gets a really nice crust.
  • Flip after about 5 mins
  • drizzle on the green onion vinaigrette



I find a good trick is to mix with regular potatoes, although it could also depend on what dish youā€™re making.

I made a large batch of Japanese curry the other night which called for 4 diced potatoes, but swapped 1 for a sweet potato, so you get a mix of normal chunks of potato and every so often a chunk of sweet potato shows up as a surprise the dish being too overpowered with sweet potato

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What about mashed potato and ā€˜camoteā€™ā€¦ Havenā€™t tried it yet, looks nice and I should think the camote would just add enough peps to very bland patatoes. (My daughter had that at a restaurant in Chile and sent me a picture).

Hereā€™s an idea for you. (Itā€™s on our menu tonight.)

Buddha Bowls ; Over seasoned sushi rice add , edamame beans , carrots , cucumber , radish and algue (seaweed).
Make a suace of 2tbsp soy sauce , 2tbsp rice wine vinegar , 2tbsp agave syrup , 2tbsp sesame oil.
Pour over and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds.

Bon appetit !


Iā€™m gonna try that.

Sounds good, although I am not convinced by the agave syrup.

Just use honey instead.

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Probably could do with some wasabi as well.

Please describe what those are, Ifti.

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Part of the issue is I have developed an aversion because the way they commonly prepared in the US, where most places double down on their sweetness. They need some some spice or acid to balance the sweetness, but most places will serve them to you with brown sugar, or even powdered sugar.

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Most Potatoes nowadays are sweet. I think we get ours down from Bengal.


From top, clockwise: Pumpkin :jack_o_lantern: fry, Pumpkin Curry, Eggplant :eggplant: Curry, Eggplant Fry.


ā€¦ or maple?
I really enjoyed honey as a young lad, now I prefer agave and maple syrups. of course thereā€™s always the good old faithful caramel which can be made to taste.

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yep , maple is fine.

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Sweet Potatoes make nice chipsā€¦ to be eaten hot or cold