The What's cooking thread

One of the beauties of living in England is that sweet potatoes are pretty much non existent. They might have some cultural uses somewhere, Rusty Lee was quite keen on them as I remember (what a laugh and smile) but mostly it’s King Edwards, Marris Pipers and sensible savoury spuds as god intended. Easy on a BBQ with the right pan :slight_smile:


I just did that for lunch , and very nice too. (I didn’t bother parboiling the sweet potato , just baked the whole thing in the oven for 45 mins.)

menu de soir : soy honey glazed salmon

                    coconut rice with ginger confit

                    green bean salad with a sesame dressing

Sounds exotic. Unfortunately, I don’t think we have most of the ingredients.



I really miss heinz beans. The shit they have in this country are awful.


I have to add heinz tomato ketchup to the stuff the french bung in tins. :cry:
List of things to buy when visiting the UK,
… buy and eat a load of tins of Heinz backed beans (if in some wierd village might have to make do with Bachelors) …

Can you not find these? In the end, they are all just fava beans, but the ‘regular’ type taste like ketchup

sounds like the regular coconut rice that Indians and S.E Asians do.

and the second is just probably sproted moong bean salad with toasted sesame’s on top.

I’m actually looking forward to having that when I’m back in the UK in a couple of weeks. :wink:

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If I ever have to substitute Heinz Beans for an inferior brand, I either stir a teaspoon of Bovril into the pan as they are heating up, or alternatively, a dollop of Brown Sauce works just as well. It slightly alters the taste a touch, but for the better me thinks…!
You’re welcome :0)


Bought an air fryer recipe book recently.
Haven’t got round to trying any of the more adventurous ones yet.
Chips (obviously), sausages, scampi and a whole chicken are so far the limits of my culinary attempts, but all work really well.
The chicken was especially good.

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My neighbours bought one last year. All I’ve heard since then is how bloody good it is and how everyone should have one. I’ve tried a few things (they have made roast chicken, sausages, pork chops, etc) and I found most of it a tad dry.

I have managed to resist purchasing one, although they have a kid so it’s more convenient for them and cheaper to run than gas.

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It’s a small electric oven.

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I know. I’ve used theirs.

You haven’t had French brands of ‘baked beans’ have you?
I like baked beans with ‘marmite’ spread on the toast. :smile:



Like potatoes, eggplant also contains solanine, which is a glycoalkaloid poison. For this reason, you shouldn’t eat it raw.

*Just hoping some of our favoured forumites know about this - *
If not, guess I have just saved your life :0)

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It’s a fucking aubergine!!! :rage:


HaHa… E-mail Shutterstock and get the word out there :0)

Brinjal :innocent: