The What's cooking thread

something like what ifti says and too add on to that , The Rice pieces shouldn’t be splitting.

Case in Point , ANL’s travesty of making a biryani

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I don’t count myself as an expert in Indian Cooking but it’s plain that , given a choice… no one should be tasting ANL’s efforts.


Had a lovely paneer Biryani last night. Rice wasn’t mushy. Paneer was sumptuous. And Masala Desi isn’t terribly expensive.

It’s good to be @Alright_Now_Legend.


Bit odd that my restaurant didn’t make the cut. 2025 though.

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Some very empty looking plates in that lot.
My favorites,

Slice of bread!
I wonder what that costs?
and N°3

Lettuce leaf.

Amazing stuff!

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Who comes up with these lists? This appears to be merely a list of currently trendy destinations, with scant attention paid to the quality of the food being served.

What’s the online equivalent of “not worth the paper it’s written on”? :thinking:


I wonder what ingredient this is called… :0)


Snotties cordial.

@SBYM @Redbj @JU97ICE and the other aussies will get and appreciate this one.


I tried to teach the Snotties song to my three-year old and my wife went fucking apeshit.


Bah, sounds like MrsSBYM is a massive spoiltsport

Both boys won’t stop mooning us whenever they get the chance, so she may have a point…

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So they’re already in training for a future apperance on Bogan Hunters :rofl:

Jeez, that’s one ad song from my childhood that I had completely forgotten.

Now I’m going to have that song in my head for the rest of the day.


Ok I gotta know: prior to social media how did these ‘pick’s his bum’, ‘picks his nose’ tunes spread organically in the school yard?

My first thought was that there must have been a skit on Fast Forward or Full Frontal taking the P out of the ad?

Quite possible that there was a skit on Fast Forward but it also ‘picked his nose, that goes to Snotties’ just rhymed, so kids being the grubby little grots they are would naturally just pick up on it.

Went to school here but never heard these songs? Were they a Melbourne thing?

I grew up on Gold Coast, but remember kids from Brisbane, Toowoomba, Mackay, Sydney and Melbourne all knew it as much the same, so chances of it being something from Fast Forward/Full Frontal/D Generation would make sense.

NSW kid here, and we sang something similar.

Maybe I’ve just repressed it

I glanced at this thread in the (forlorn) hope of getting some culinary inspiration.
Find out it’s full of Aussies being disgusting.

Mates, you’ve got your own thread for that.