The What's cooking thread

Maybe so, I can still hear the bang. And I like a loud bang :slight_smile:


Why would you want to heat the milk up,isnā€™t it put in to cool the coffee down?


What about in tea?

hmmm ā€¦ so you manage to get perfect fluffy individual grains of rice every time ?

you never have the pan boil over and the associated mess ?

youā€™ve never overcooked the rice and had to scrape (and ruin) your non-stick pans ?

Honestly , itā€™s the one appliance I would never do without.


End up with stodgy clumpy mess.

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More for taste for me

Cooking glorious rice in a pan is as complicated as putting on a hat.

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Easier to just let someone else cook it, then clear your table and wash your dishes.

Great idea, off out for an Indian tonight

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What version please?

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I didnā€™t eat it just bit into a piece, bloody horrible, like cotton wool with a very nasty taste. Yes I have had cotton wool in my mouth as well, not recommended either. :laughing:

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My daughter manages to burn water. Iā€™d never come across that before. She would have done it again today if I hadnā€™t got all stroppy about it. I even had to turn the heat down so her pasta didnā€™t go up in flames. She said itā€™s because sheā€™s not used to stoves being hot. :upside_down_face: I left it there as thereā€™s no hope except that she doesnā€™t try cooking at mine whilst Iā€™m out.


Spaghetti is the difficult one to cook. Itā€™s too long to go in a pan. Iā€™ve given up, didnā€™t like steaming my hand waiting for the damn stuff to soften and flop in the pan, so itā€™s break it up 1st (not great) or other pastas which is fine.

As the spaghetti melts it should be easy enough to push down into the pan @Flobs - Donā€™t forget to place a wooden spatula or wooden spoon across the top of the panā€¦ it stops the water boiling over the topā€¦ aaaaaand for my next tip :0)

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Hope the cheese was worth it :0)

How is the Korma coming up @Alright_Now_Legend :thinking:

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I am fasting until Biden quits and the Dems restructure.

You can all cook your own.

