Those jammy fuckers down the M62

In fairness I think the “embarrassing” was aimed at Antony’s celebrations for scoring against Newport.

I think he’s a throwback to the previous era where you could shirk the defensive duties as an attacking player and still be okay.

It’s not good enough in the game anymore where the teams are supposed to be defending as a unit and anyone not contributing to the press is a liability.

I agree with you and mascot regarding his lack of consistency and his stagnation. He’s probably too set in his ways now and no amount of coaching can undo that. I do think he’ll thrive in a club with lesser expectations though.

Not all 11 players need to defend in an equal manner. Before this it taken wrongly, all 11 players need to give their all in their tasks of course, but they don’t have to run back to the same positions.

With some players, and it’s in fact exactly those high goalscoring wide forwards these days (not the #10’s anymore), you can “negotiate” a little bit.

That’s not to say they don’t have to defend or press, but you can position them a little bit higher and compensate with the rest. You do have to offer goals though on a more regular basis. Rashford had seasons and periods like that.

Different level of quality, but same position and style. Look at how France uses Mbappe. It’s ideal for him. On paper, it’s a 4-3-3, sometimes 4-2-3-1 (kudos to Griezmann for his brilliant conversion to RCM at times). When they’re without the ball, he doesn’t drop back and defend like a “proper” left winger. The left sided CM comes across and Dembele on the right side drops deeper than him on the left to leave him high enough for the opponent to think twice how they attack on his side. Because the transition with him means au revoir.

Those kind players prefer those wide forward roles with freedom. It’s more attractive to them than being a proper winger or a proper striker. In those roles you can hide a little bit and compensate with other players. It was the same with Ronaldo at a certain period at Real. In particular, I liked Ancelotti’s balance when they this brave idea/move to play Di Maria as the LCM, provided who brilliant engine/defensive cover and attacking support around Ronaldo at the same time.

It’s exactly why Klopp said a few times Salah doesn’t like to play as striker (when one would imagine him actually wishing that, as he scores many goals), only if the team really needs it from time to time. Salah defends in his own way, but a few years ago, we had Mane dropping a little bit deeper on his side than him. Together with Bobby and the rest of the team, we could allow to give Salah that bit more freedom to be often ready for the transition.

The next best way to use these players is to have a formation that allows you to play with 2 or 3 strikers. Especially 2.

I think Rashford would have no problem taking participation in enough defensive duties on the left, with a bit more freedom, either to defend or press, if the team was functioning well and he could maintain good performances over a larger period of time. It’s not asking him to be a playmaker between the lines or something, that he will never be able to do. He’s not too old, not too stupid and not too lazy to accept certain defensive tasks. But if he doesn’t find the consistency, not even when/if United’s situation improves, then who knows what happens with him…

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For all we know re the Rashford tracking back… By not tracking back, he may be playing to the exact instructions dished out by ETH…!

Too much analysis!!

Someone post something funny about how shite they are!


depends what you have to piss into…

Wolves away tomorrow I have a feeling it might be pretty funny with Wolves home form.

I think it’s only us and Brighton who they’ve lost to at home and they’ve seen City, Spurs, Villa and Newcastle show up plus they are top 5 in form.

Let’s hope Jim and Dave are more Worldwide Prestige than Ineos and actually make this happen.

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Goldbridge did a poll on the above last night and 52% of viewers voted YES, BRING HIM BACK!

He got well stroppy.


Paging mubsy

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He hath spoken.

We shall see, feels very trollish…

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Give it José ‘til the end o’ the season…

He has Utd DNA

Didn’t he spend the entire time hating it there.
Didn’t he live in a hotel his entire time?

Yeah, but I think most of us have had a partner like that :joy:


Maybe he needs to top up his pension? :joy:

It’s like they hate themselves…

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Mubs is the Redcafe equivalent of Qanon.

Where We Go Mubs, We Go All