Trent Alexander-Arnold (RB) Real Madrid

Come on, he’s talked about in that manner because he is, just like Trent is talked about being one of world’s best right backs over the last five years. I wish we had more youth products coming out of our academy like the two of them… Minus almost leaving for Chelsea or leaving for Real Madrid (I’ve been convinced about it for a while - Real Madrid don’t pursue a player and don’t advertise it through their mouthpieces unless they are confident of pulling it off).

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20 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Steven Gerrard Thread

I don’t think that is entirely true, they went in for Alisson for example.

Virgil - impossible to replace

Salah - lots of firepower between the remaining attackers and surely we can sign another right attacker with goals in him. Still very difficult to replace but at least responsibility can be shared between many attackers.

Trent - has qualities which can not be replaced by any right back in the world but I can easily say Bradley is a better defender allround. Conor is very similar to Robbo who has been a world class player for us in his own way.

I don’t know what will happen but wish we could extend with Virgil and Trent.


The way that some fans painting the picture as if the club suddenly woke up and realises “oh shit, TAA contract is expiring!”

The club could have been negotiating in good faith and offer the best contract they think is fair. And TAA could have been holding off and he has every right to. But what some likes to believe is the club either forgot his contract is expiring and allow his contract to wind down or that the club is just offering him a shit contract so he doesn’t want to sign, and ignoring that just perhaps the player has other plans and want to look at all his options.


…or once Jurgen confirmed he would be leaving, TAA did not want to sign a new contract, until he had a chance to assess whether the new manager, was capable of winning trophies with the club -


he’s 26 lol


:clap: :clap: :clap: I do think this was a key factor in all 3 contracts as no one knew who would be coming in and whether the success would continue


I think right now, we have a situation where fans either underplay or overplay his importance to us.

Don’t get me wrong, he is a key and vital member of the squad that was our most successful in the PL era. He does passes and things many other players can only imagine.

But yet questions remain. If he plays at midfield, he doesn’t seem to have the stamina to run around like what our midfielders do now, having a great vision of a pass isn’t enough to be a complete midfielder for us. And yet in defence, he has improved but defensively still shaky, tentative and lapses of concentration. So he is almost like the guy who will be number 1 in some subjects in school but never balance enough to get top overall in school.

Also I never get the idea that he will be the next captain, just because he is a local lad? I think mentally he will not cope, maybe he will grow but at 26, if you compare VVD, Hendo and Gerrard, the mentality is immense even if their playing capabilities differ alot. I don’t see that mentality now in TAA.

Would I want him to stay. Of course! It would be crazy to want a top player to leave us at his prime and on a free. But he has to want it. Gerrard almost left us for Chelsea because he felt he would win more but perhaps the love for the club is too much to just leave behind.

So TAA has a choice, he can choose to go to perhaps some other clubs who can win perhaps alot more, or stay with the club he loves. No right or wrong in both choices but he has to choose.


If he truly loves the club, he wouldn’t leave.

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you can love the club dearly, but decide to move on.

hes 26, at the peak of his powers both on the park and contracturally, and hes been here from 9 years old…

on a pure football level it makes sense to move on and try something new, on a human level it makes even more sense…

26 years old and the world at his proffessional and social feet…

i think we’ll miss trent the footballer more than most are willing to admit, and i wont be bitter or doubt his commitment to the club (in the past tense) if he does decide to move on

edit; and i wont be underplaying his talent once he leaves…a pure joy to watch some of the passes he pings around, yes, hes fallable, but footballs about enjoyment, and his passing and striking of the ball is enjoyable, like watching a greta freekick, or a great finish, or a great team passing move, watching him ping a ball 60 yards and it lands on the left wingers toe is a joy to watch


You do realise he’s the vice-captain? I don’t think he would be if they didn’t think him a capable leader…


I really hope he doesn’t read this.
Unbelievable disrespect for a wonderful home grown player.
When did we get so entitled?

I remember…


I blame anyone under fifty.



Fixed :wink:


Of course but my opinion is he doesn’t have it to make that step up to be the next Captain. We have had captains before in the past that did more harm to them, best example is our beloved great Finn. I believe TAA can do without the pressure of being a Captain and focus on just the football. He is already a top top player, but I think the general opinion is he can be better still and I don’t think being Captain is beneficial. But of course this being Liverpool football club, it will be a pleasure for me to see someone overcoming doubts to become what people think he can’t.

I think you are being a little harsh on Sami mate.

He never wanted the captains armband, but there wasn’t really anyone else in the squad at the time that they could give it too as whilst they had earmarked Gerrard as a future captain, at that point Gerrard himself said he was too young for it and needed more time. The only suitable candadite was Sami so he reluctantly agreed to take it as a short term solution until Gerrard was more ready for the leadership role, which shows as once Gerrard took the role, Sami’s onfield performances got back to what they were like prior to Redknapp and Folwer leaving which is how he ended up as the captain


That’s what I meant? The Captaincy actually did not do him any favours. And he admitted himself that passing the Captaincy was good for him even if he was unhappy at that point. It shows that you don’t have to be Captain to be a legend.

I think he was more releaved than unhappy. He never wanted to be captain, but stepped up and took it when he saw that the club needed him too. After 1 season, he approached Houllier and Gerrard suggesting Gerrard was at that point ready to lead the team.

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He did say in an interview that he was unhappy but admit it was for the better and that it’s very difficult to be a captain in England