UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Only concerns I have with his comments are that he’s promising health care to those that “pay for it” while he 's part of the party that’s trying to dismantle that service at the same time.

With regard to covid patients though he’s right in that the more people that are vaccinated the less the burden on the NHS will be over the short term at least.

David Frum, a Republican pundit in the US, kicked off quite a fuss with a similar line of argument.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1470031425684582406|twgr^|twcon^s2_&

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Meanwhile here is the Tory press turning on Johnson, and if by the comments about the new Covid measures are anything to go also turning on the notion of sanity.

Strange that’s the thing that’s turned these hacks is something I completely support Johnson on (and think he should actually be going further).

The express, with its comment about Johnson using spurious data to justify the measures, should be roundly ashamed of itself.

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I’ve seen some interesting excerpts from the Express and Mail on the Brexit believe it or not. A gentle awakening perhaps?

It really does seem that no-one does ‘One rule for them, another for us’ quite like a Tory.

O wells…onwards we stumble.

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It would just be typical of British politics for a Christmas party to bring down the government.

Not the tens of thousands dead, economic impact of Brexit, or widespread corruption.

Nothing seems to hit harder than one rule for them, another for us.


Weird I agree.

We’ll vote for a liar and an imbecile with a false slogan and even the unsurprising sleaze that accompanies him was not too far. Taking the piss apparently is. We are bonkers. Basically our ability to vote against our own interests is almost unparalleled.


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let’s not even go down that road…FFS the housing market here is a fucking SHAM.

my neighbor purchased her home in 1979 for $22,000 as the second owner. house was built in 1968.

selling price was $1,075,000.

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I’m not sure about that. Have you ever heard of a place called The United States of America?

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I did say almost unparalleled. :wink:

I couldn’t make up my mind which was worse to be honest.

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Just sayin’…


I don’t understand how in a democracy that the government must not walk due to this. It is outrageous !

I mean, previously a minister had to walk due to an extramarital affair, a private matter really. It is absolutely nothing compared to this. A completely unimportant event in comparison.

  1. Rolling over on Agriculture
  2. Rolling over on climate.

We are taking back control with our ‘world-class’ trade deals.

Fuck, if we can’t even bully the Aussies in negotiations, what fucking hope against the heavyweights?


To be fair you could just imagine the sledging that must have occurred.

Get it done, screw the consequences.

Sad thing is that this was 100% predictable and it was.