UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

you should see the shit our PM has done in the last 4 years and somehow got fucking re-elected this year. it’s a farce

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Must have not been paying attention, what happened then?

I’m not sure whether we are talking about the Vaccine Procurement Scheme or the vaccination strategies of individual EU member states?

On the former, Labour were very critical of the government for not being part of the EU vaccine procurement scheme. Yes, you’re right that there was no requirement for EU member states to be part of that, but I think that had we remained a member there would have been greater expectation that we would have taken part. The same goes for the different approaches taken by the EMA and the MHRA when it came to approval. That fast-track approach would have been available even had we remained in the EU but we would have been far less likely to have gone out of step with other EU nations had we remained part of the bloc.

Equally, the government was criticised for not taking up the invitation to be part of the EU PPE Procurement collective. Something that we would have been far more likely to have been part of had we remained in the EU (although not required). Again, not being part of that was also to the UK’s ultimate advantage.

The current Labour leadership were very much in favour of being part of those EU efforts and were highly critical, at the time, of the UK government going alone on its Vaccine procurement strategy, accelerated regulatory pathway, and approach to acquiring PPE, rather than joining with the EU’s approach.

That’s not to overlook the appalling decisions that the UK government did take but on those issues above I don’t think Starmer really has much ammunition to attack Johnson with.

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The only time it’s felt as if being in the UK would have been favourable was for a couple of months at the beginning of this year when the vaccination roll out here in Germany was considerably slower. We caught up by the middle of the year and otherwise there’s nothing to complain about. Although, of course, people will always find reason to moan.


Squatter. Sorry not mayor but foreign secretary

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Not sure I follow you here.


Fixed it

Fuck up
Journalists report it
Blame the media


Yeh, my wife told me that last week… :grimacing:


It’s great that he was at the party that wasn’t a party. It puts him in an ideal position to investigate non existent parties as he was, or wasn’t, present at the party that did, or didn’t, take place.

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Just saying… :wink:


Maybe he was there as an official observer and was able to make sure that the party didn’t actually descend into a party?

Tbf, of all the gatherings reported/alleged (to use a neutral word) this does come across as being the least like a party so far.

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I haven’t read the actual article as it’s behind a paywall but when the invitations say " Christmas Party" I’d argue that at the very least the intention was there. Maybe it was a garbage one?

I think it’s a misnomer. Christmas zoom quiz appears more accurate.

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I’m not even sure it matters if it was cheese and wine, or a zoom quiz, or a full on banger. I think the main thing that most people are having an issue with is the deceipt and contempt shown once they were found out.

They ban people from having parties and then invite their mates to a party.
That’s all you need to know.

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