UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Cheers for the update.

Re the party. Can Johnson say whether he went or not? If he says he was there doesnā€™t he then have to expand on what form his participation took? In which case, were he to do so, doesnā€™t that run the risk of prejudicing the existing enquiry?

If he was there, the only thing that would save him is if his attendance was so as to denounce it. Ask that it stop and people disperse/go home. If he was there, stayed, had a few drinks, basically any capacity other than to condemn it, he should resign.

Iā€™d answer the inevitable first question with ā€œ Yes we did, yes I was there and it was a huge mistake. We were all there at work anyway so a few drinks afterwards outside was less of an issue than working in the same room. In hindsight it was a mistake for which I apologise. Next? And before my right honourable friend asks if I will step down he should ask himself the following. Given Iā€™m such a bumbling fool and there is real political talent on our benches, does he really want a far better leader and even less votes at the next election?ā€

The look on Starmerā€™s face would be priceless, media would go insane and Borris would be even more lovable and cuddly. Iā€™d be ace in Westminster as Iā€™m not and never will be a politician :slight_smile:

Straight in there with the apology. Loved the ā€œUnderstand why people wonā€™t understand thisā€ barb.

He wont resign as he doesnā€™t give a shit

The only way he gets out is if the Tories force him out by wanting someone else to be in charge.

ā€˜Thought it was a work eventā€™, damn, that is just funny. A grown up version of ā€˜the dog ate my homeworkā€™.

I think it is now just a matter of which Tory wants to be seen holding the knife, versus which one ends up with the crown. Still possible to survive that, of course.


Would love to punch this cunt in the face.

It would feel so good, as juvenile as that is.


id rather he have some balls for the first time ever and just sayā€¦I donā€™t give a shit that you had to watch dying people via facetime or outside the care homes, cancel your weddings and holidays and lost a months of your lives. I wanted a party so had one.

Rather than the bumbling empty apologies that are littered with ā€œI really dont give a flying fuckā€ running all the way through them.

Absolutely pathetic.


He knows this all blows over next week.

As usual these people arenā€™t sorry, they are sorry they got caught.


Might have to renew my Conservative Party membership for a bit. But then whatā€™s the point? The leading candidates would likely be Patel, Truss, Raab. All of whom are fuckwits.

The funniest part is it would still have been against the rules.

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Isnā€™t Sunak being floated? Heā€™s conveniently not at PMQs todayā€¦

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I wonder if some (possibly all) of the support that Johnson has is based on the level of vitriol he induces from his detractorsā€¦

I could get behind Sunak. But then who would be Chancellor? Some numpty no doubt. Truss hasnā€™t done that one yet, has she? Fucksticks.

I know Gove isnā€™t particularly well liked but heā€™s extremely competent and smart. Hunt. Meh. Freemanā€¦if only. Sharma, Kwarteng? Outsiders but sound.

I donā€™t know about the latter but competentā€¦?

Iā€™d agree though, the Conservative options (including the incumbent) is just different flavours of shit.

Every portfolio heā€™s been given in government heā€™s made a real difference. One of my best mates (a Labour supporting remain voter) has worked very closely with him and speaks highly of him.

Fucking joke , totally fucked up how he can say it and still be allowed to stay in the job, if the queen had any sense sheā€™d sack the lot of them, but since she gives twats like Blair titles she can fuck off too

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I can only speak to my impression of him, Iā€™ve never paid very close attention to him. Iā€™ve only heard second-hand opinions about how he was incompetent at actually implementing things, rather than laying out fancy objectives.

Nah, heā€™s very capable. I donā€™t think heā€™s likeable though. The bloke either is or comes across as a weasel. Thatā€™s not a winning trait.