UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

What’s the old saying about opportunity only knocking once? Look at football management, never ever take over from a very successful and loved manager, take over from somebody who’s fucked up and is universally hated.

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Or is it noone wants to take the job right now?

And if that is the case, why are they so scared - what are they not telling us?

Would not surprise me if he does, short term. Walking wounded status for perhaps a year seems the most likely outcome. He’ll be happy with that, suitably Churchillian to be turfed from office after the end of the struggle.

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Might depend on the outcome from this year’s local elections in May which could follow a very unpopular budget and rise in living costs generally?

One suggestion doing the rounds as to why he might temporarily survive this until summer is that they want him to get all the bad press for everything.

I cant remember when their party allows challenges (is it conference season only, or is that Labour?) But there is already some noticeable calls from within for him to step down and rumours that there is more stuff to come out.

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15% of MPs submitting letters of no confidence to the 1922 Committee, can happen any time I think? Would then go to a full-on vote, if the leader survives, there can be no new vote of no-confidence for another year.

Became too acquainted with this during May’s time, unfortunately.


Not just Rees-Mogg but also Michael Gove dismissing the Scottish Conservative Party leader’s denouncement of Johnson.

Gove’s dismissal is all the more galling since he explicitly says “My instant response is he’s in Elgin and the national Tory leader is in London”

Michael Gove doing all the work for the SNP here…

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Yes, there will be plenty of bad news to hang around his neck as they usher him out.


Need 56 letters to the 1922 committee I think.

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Cat Save GIF

Poor Boris. He was due to visit a vaccination centre today, but a ‘family member’ has Covid and, as he always puts the well-being of others first, he has decided to excuse himself. In fact he is unlikely to make any public appearances for a week.

I suppose fridges can be metaphorical as well as literal.

There’s 2 sides to this. Yes it’s nuts that the loons get elected but the reside with Tory strongholds where the population just vote Conservative in the main. That comes back to our garbage electoral system but also the way people interact with politics. It’s pretty broken. @Kopstar is 100%0right that they weren’t elected on their vaccine views etc. But I’m not convinced that it would really matter. I suspect they would still get their seats.

The issue I have is that the 1922 Committee oversee leadership of the Conservative party I think. So basically they actually call the shots. Remember these were the people that pushed Dodgy Dave to hold the Brexit referendum.

Up to this point you’d got me thinking that they were a bunch of twats… :wink:

So it’s the 1922 committee that delivers democracy to the people then ?

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Really? Is that a valid question?

I’d love to see a gif mash between borris and Abe simpson. Walks into a building, hat off, hat on, walks into fridge.

Don’t they just administer a rules-based process by which the leader is responsible to the Parliamentary party? Without that in some structure or another, there is no formal accountability by the leader to anyone outside an election period - which is in fact what we have here. The only direct mechanism is non-confidence, and we see leaders changed only around elections.


yep buts let’s not ignore the fact that they will be having words in people’s ears. Keeping the Conservatives in power is al l that matters and they are well aware of what is needed and when. They are extremely efficient at it after all.

So a Labour MP took £500k from a Chinese spy…and there is silence on here ? They really are all as bad as each other

I mean, what is the scandal here? Labour condemned it, and the relevant MP stated that they had reported each donation as they came in? Doesn’t look like any favours were done for that donation, or any influence was bought.

Let me know when there’s evidence of direct contact.

This might be the worst one yet.

It’s clearly a culture across Whitehall.