UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Well, I’m shocked.

I though Andy burnham was mayor? Is he stepping down, aside or whatever?

Leadership challenge? :crossed_fingers:

I am sure he would be as good as a mayor as he was at management

Well, I’d ask Neville how he is going to deal with the rat problem.

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Obviously by establishing alpha status and commanding their obedience.

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Gary (I hate Scousers) Neville, Mayor of Greater Manchester. Well, well, well, that should be interesting.

Intesresting. From the same source, I found this one interesting:


Clearly Neville has seen how fruitful being a Labour politician can be and has seen an avenue to get Chinese investment into Salford City.

However, I am not aware of any election loophole that allows Surrey residents to vote in an election in Manchester :thinking:

Interesting that the (per capita) GDPs of Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK all grew by between 9.54% (Italy) and 42.48% (UK) from 1995 levels and that Germany, France, Italy, and Spain all managed to keep their energy use at the same level (+/-5%). So even though the UK’s economy grew more than any of Germany, France, Italy, or Spain, it was the only one to decrease either avenues of energy use by more than 5%, managing to decrease consumption based energy use by 8.13% and domestic based energy use by 14.66%.

The page also linked to the CO2 emissions data.

This data is taken from 1990 as a starting point.

From 1990 the UK’s (per capita) GDP increased by +52.33%. But it’s CO2 emissions (per capita) decreased 34.09% consumption based and 48% domestic based.

France - GDP +35.88%, CO2 -25.16 (consumer) -30.06 (domestic)
Germany - GDP +46.37%, CO2 -34.38 (consumer) -36.02 (domestic)
Italy - GDP +16.61%, CO2 -24.65 (consumer) - 27.17 (domestic)
Spain - GDP +48.15%, CO2 -13.75 (consumer) -8.75 (domestic)

So again, UK’s GDP increased by the most and its CO2 emissions decreased the most.

Pretty impressive. Maybe…even…world leading… :wink:

Star Trek Wow GIF

Wouldn’t have thought so - at least not immediately given Labour’s rent poll numbers. Perhaps looking for a return to parliament with a view to leadership in the future, particularly if he finds a relative safe seat.

I would think he became Mayor to get away from a Corbyn led party.

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No cows

More than Italy or Spain…?

Spain likes Bulls as I understand it.

Anyway only a guess for a laugh.

They have a funny way of showing it!! :smile:

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They had a Sonia Khan on the radio this afternoon. She had worked at Downing Street when Cameron, May, and Johnson were PM. She said that having a drink whilst also working was perfectly normal. There was no bar or anything but bottles would be tucked away all over the place. She even described a prosecco cabinet. Under Blair and Brown she had been told that people had beer fridges under their desks.

It’s clearly a culture thing in Downing Street/Whitehall and has been for decades.

It is impressive…but really distorted by the performance of the financial sector. When you decompose to sectoral data, there are probably more impressive examples in German performance. I guess the bright side of that is that there is still low-hanging fruit in the UK economy, and the financial assets to do the projects. Case in point, the entire cladding cost controversy could have been nearly tucked under a massive energy performance-focused energy upgrade program.


Probably a lot longer. In the early '90s, the steep slope down to the river behind the Parliament buildings in Ottawa was excavated. Thousands of empty gin bottles from the late 19C were found. A comparison to the original layout (the originals burned down in 1916) showed they would have been tossed from the Prime Minister’s Office, and they were all Sir John A. MacDonald’s favourite brand.

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