UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

that type of thinking needs to make its way over to this side of the water. our PM was caught red-handed issuing a billion dollars of public money into charity for youth employment, which then paid his mother and brother $400k in speaking fees

fucking scandalous.

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How would one go about doing that? As far as I can tell, the leader of the opposition is mostly powerless in such scenarios?


What would you have asked?

Just happened to listen to Eddie Mair on LBC for a short time. The level of complete delusion in the UK is just incredible.

Itā€™s think itā€™s a lot harder than you think to land blows when the other pillars of scrutiny in this country is so ineffective.

There is only so much an opposition can do. You also need the media and Parliament itself to do their job.

A guy I used to know who was very successful for a long time in Canadian politics once said ā€œWhen your opponent is destroying himself, donā€™t interrupt him.ā€


Fan of Sun Tzu?

His nickname in Parliamentary circles was ā€˜The Prince of Darknessā€™. Actually a surprisingly decent guy given his reputation, never gave it or took it personally, but truly talented at being a bastard.

In Starmers case itā€™s also right to to not move the agenda on. He might look like heā€™s repeating himself at PMQs but he has to.

Heā€™s got to keep the focus on the parties and keep the pot simmering. The Tories have looked absolutely ridiculous this week, and I canā€™t see it getting any easier after the Sue Gray report and the Police Inquiry.

And by the way Boris can rant and rave that Labour want him to resign, but everyone knows that Starmer would much prefer to face Johnson at an election than virtually anyone else. Johnson is fucked as an electoral asset. Absolute poison.

This is about decency and standards.


I believe Sun Tzu said, ā€œnever interrupt your opponent when heā€™s making a mistakeā€.


I think that is right, yes.


The quote definitely originated in The Art of War. Thatā€™s how I know it.


Iā€™m not entirely sure that Boris would lose an election if it were held tomorrow. Despite every fucking thing heā€™s done wrong.

Must absolutely destroy you and I mean that seriously.

I think @Mascot does have a point there about the press. Iā€™ve seen a lot of criticism about Starmer, particular his supposed lack of charisma, that doesnā€™t really pan out when you look at the man speak. And frankly, voters seem to value that a lot. Itā€™s almost as if someone who doesnā€™t look and sound like an old Etonian is just automatically condemned as lacking charisma.

Iā€™m focusing on that, because in terms of recent polls Iā€™ve seen, it shows that thatā€™s the main thing that people seem to rate Johnson over Starmer at the moment.

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Go back to Cameron (statesman) vs Corbyn (hobo). Who do you want representing the country in times of trouble? Boz is a likeable fool having a raucous couple of days in Blackpool and Starmer is a wet weekend in Bridlington. We LIKE a character. Puts Keir at an instant disadvantage because heā€™s unarmed.

Give me a dayā€¦ā€¦

You mean do I despair for the state of the country? Then yeah.

Mind you, Boris wonā€™t be fighting another election as Tory Leader. Absolutely certain of that.

Cameron, a statesman? Youā€™re having a laugh.

Thatā€™s my whole point. The country prefers clowns in charge over actually competent people. Entertainment value is prioritised over ideas and competence, is it any wonder the country is in the state itā€™s in?

Lord I hope not. This afternoon rattled me a bit.
ā€œDone his bestā€
ā€œ100k dead is ok, because we were prepared for 500kā€
ā€œEveryone has broken the rulesā€
ā€œThey work 24hrs a day, theyā€™re entitled to s drinkā€
ā€œItā€™s ok for Carrie to be at a meetingā€
ā€œItā€™s only a cakeā€
ā€œWe needed a ducker and diver to get Brexit doneā€
ā€œI still have a business thanks to Boris and Sunak. Lord knows what Labour would have doneā€

Excuse me while I go and puke, then bang my head against a stone wall. (We donā€™t use bricks much up here)


In his own head BoJo thinks he is Sir Winston Churchillā€¦ and that the stuttering monologues he offers are on a par with the inspiring wartime speeches given at the time in order to rally people behind what is good for the country, no matter the sacrificeā€¦
He needs to quickly realise that there are many many more intelligent people outside of government circles than there are inside itā€¦ He needs to show some humility and realise his buffoonery mask will only hold up for so long before the devious, slippery, sneaky and self promotional style begins to surfaceā€¦ He has run his course as far as I am concerned, but opinions of him from others, well listening to the support he still generates from some quartersā€¦ Makes me realise the future remains bleakā€¦!