UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

From what I read on twitter yesterday, there should be no issue with this (which you agree with). So I do wonder if this is a stalling tactic by the PM?

According to the BBC article I posted above, no. I guess weā€™ll have to wait and see.

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I thought Johnson has said that he didnā€™t prioritise the evacuation of animals over people? He could still have been involved in the NOWZAD evacuation without prioritising it, no?

I havenā€™t seen him deny that he helped arrange their departure but maybe I missed it?

This BBC article has a denial in the first line, although not from him directly. They also quote his official spokesman however, at the bottom of the article.

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Itā€™s a weird thing to lie about, but then again maybe itā€™s compulsive with him?!

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Probably should be regulatedā€¦ā€¦

Agreed, but on the other hand, it does open him up to the same angle of criticism with regards to favouritism and privileged access for a few people, which is quite undemocratic.

Also, the optics (I really hate that word) of prioritising animals over people is not good. Particularly since I think it was stated that some of the employees of that charity didnā€™t even receive visas themselves initially, whereas there was an effort by the government to fly in the animals.

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Indeed. I donā€™t know much about all thats going on here but heā€™s a buffoon, to be sure. Heā€™d probably have scored some brownie points if heā€™d just said ā€˜yes, we lifted some animals outā€™.


I think the difficulty is that there were crowds of UK nationals and Afghans who served with the British forces trapped at the airport and at risk from the Taliban, trying to get out with limited air raft available.

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Yeah, I remember how contentious/controversial it was that such prominence was being given to Pen Farthing and Nowzad. It certainly divided those who I saw commenting on social media.


Only if they got all the people out. They didnā€™t, and some were killed I believe. Any that are still there are living in fear. All of this while Raab was on holiday.

Was Johnson also away? My memory is vague on that one

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I think Johnson was around but both Raab and the permanent secretary to the FCO were both on holiday. Fucking bananas.

Thanks, I wasnā€™t sure.

Raab and SUPgate

As Iā€™ve made very apparent, Iā€™m not a fan of Truss, but Raynerā€™s got this wrong.

The classic Johnson defence


Is that the Liz Truss that has deepened her voice to sound more ā€œproperā€?

Yes, itā€™s a non-issue. Better save your fire for other matters.