UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

I presume you didn’t run a business through a pandemic that would have taken half a life’s work down without financial support.

He’s also infinitely better than Borris on the grounds that so is a lemon.

No idea what his personal wealth has to do with his ability to run the country. As for his education, would you rather have a PM educated by the local shit comprehensive? Jnr is currently being used as a control rod in a classroom of massively disruptive children (which ends today at 3:15, first time I’ve been in, they have no idea). Not an issue one has at Eaton.

Or even Eton.

I so nearly went there. So glad I didn’t.

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Yes, the man is a buffoon.

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You can tell I didn’t :wink:

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He’s a dork rather than a buffoon. It would be so nice if the governors of the Bank of England just kept their mouths shut. At least we don’t hear as much from Bailey as we did from Carney who was a knob.


I would. Perhaps then we’d end up with a PM that has a grounded background rather than one that is so utterly disconnected from 99.9% of the UK population like Sunak, Johnson, Cameron etc. For the record I don’t know May’s educational background.

Just because they went to Eaton doesn’t mean they aren’t thick as 2 short planks either. Similarly, there are some mighty bright people from a more basic educational background. Some on here I suspect. I certainly know a few and met a few privately schooled pricks at Uni as well.

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Parents choose the education for their children, subject to their means. I don’t think we ought to hold where someone was educated against them - whether that be the local comprehensive or some exclusive private school.


Thinking about it somewhat more, I think neither of those terms adequately describe him. I would prefer to have Carney.

And yet we do. Where have the majority of cabinet members in the last century been educated?

Schools and universities?

I was a recipient of Furlough money, for which I am grateful. But let’s not pretend that the financial support through the Pandemic wouldn’t have been there under a different government.

He is obviously better than Boris. But then, a flannel would be a better PM than Boris.

On his schooling and wealth, it’s not an issue in itself, more that it’s another one off the production line. In the context of a cabinet that is stuffed with millionaires and public school boys, then it’s a problem.


Topical call where Rishi comes up

I suspect that business wouldn’t have had the same level of support under a Labour government. But I can’t prove it. And lucky you, I was fighting ludicrous regs and ridiculous timings to pay my mortgage.

In fairness, my lemon line was better

Remind me where Corbyn and Starmer were educated? I might be wrong but pretty sure they both benefitted from private education?

He’s like Blair, disagree with anything he says and you’re on the correct side.

Starmer went to a grammar school and the then Leeds Uni, although I think he went to Oxford or Cambridge to do a Post Grad.

Corbyn went to an independent school, and then a grammar, but I think he basically fucked up his A levels and didn’t go to Uni.

It’s irrespective either way, because the point is when the cabinet is pulling almost exclusively from a public school background, that’s a huge problem.


I bet you haven’t listened to the call have you?

Probably too many home truths such as food banks.

I’ve told you my story (and shown you) it isn’t as simple as food banks are required due to government cuts. You put a safety net in place and people will dance on the edge of the building.

Still haven’t listened to the video have you?

Cabinet pulled from higher standards of education, what a stupid idea. Well personally I’d rather have Charlie the fucking idiot with zero exam passes in charge of the country.

Borris is STILL in charge, he’s actually probably smarter than the lot of us squared as he’s managing this whole thing almost magically. Needs birching publicly but I doubt he’s the bumbling fool he pretends to be.