UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Despicable Me Reaction GIF

Who is Borris?

The caller nails it when he says that when people have more money than some cities, maybe their interests are not aligned with ours.

Letā€™s face it, the only reason what people having billions of pounds is in any way tolerated is because billionaires spend a good chunk of their cash convincing everyone else that their wealth is within everyoneā€™s grasp. Capitalism is a fucking Ponzi and it always has been.


Yes, what do you want me to say? I was commenting on Oā€™brian not the caller, did you read my comment? Oā€™brian is so far to the left that he has white chalk on his right boot.

In other news, people in poverty want money from the state. Hell. just take it out of my business account after working 18 hour days for 3 months.

Somethings never change. Those on one side consider that others should work to pay for those who canā€™t and there can never be enough money flowing in that direction. Those on the other side are too busy working to discuss it. Iā€™m at work tonight till 9pm. EVERY FUCKING HOUR Iā€™m paying the cocks outside to drink cheap cider. Stereotypical and true.

Food banks.

Wheras the opposite works so well in so many countries.

Should we can the eternal capitalism, socialism, blame claim welfare state shit please guys? Been here to death, weā€™ll never agree. But I wonā€™t stop when asked. Letā€™s just leave it. Doesnā€™t help Klopp and adds no assists to Hendo.

Laugh at the obvious dyslexic, funny as fuck that.

Pick away, I actually donā€™t give a shit but youā€™d get fucking nailed in certain circumstances for that. I canā€™t spell, one of my few faults. Being as humble as I am is one of them.

And just for reference, why do you think the terms DS and BR came into this forum? I have no idea how to reliably spell Daniel Sturridge (Sturidge? Sturrige?) and Brenden (Brendan?) Rogers (Rodgers?) Iā€™m not kidding here, Iā€™m 40 something and it still makes no sense. My memory is full of Hymns from being 10. But I sure as shit can crack the gag about my memory being of hims from late nights at church.

Boris is finished mate. Heā€™s cooked. He might be clinging on now like a stubborn tagnut, but heā€™s out at some point soon. Sunak is clearly manoeuvring now. More resignations every day. Even the Tory papers are now putting the boot in.

Is Boris smart? Intelligence isnā€™t a binary thing. What we generally call intellect is a combination of different qualities, some of which he has and some he certainly hasnā€™t.

Everything known about him points to the fact that he is lazy and disorganised. He isnā€™t interested in detail. He lacks emotional intelligence, empathy, and compassion.

Furthermore he is elitist, racist, misogynistic, anti-semitic (ironically), violent, narcissistic and has the qualities of a compulsive, pathological liar - in that he is able to immerse himself in his his own untruths to the point where he genuinely appears to be unable to separate fact from fiction.

To Johnsonā€™s credit (if thatā€™s the right word) he seems to have been able to package these qualities into a character of a lovable buffoon, a sort of rogue-ish anti-hero, which has enabled him to climb to the top almost by stealth. Which is kind of genius really.

Whatever intelligence he has got, doesnā€™t change the fact that he is without a doubt the worst Prime Minister in living memory and the most transparently unsuited to the role prior to taking it.


Half of that call was nonsense , no mention of when trust & protect was issued and thousands of people called up with blatant lies about what the advance was for ā€¦eg an 18 year old from Newcastle claiming they need the advance and then had moved to London and the address was listed as a 5 bedroom house with rent of Ā£99.999 a week with service charges of the price per weekā€¦cases like this was common place and staff were told to approve it without question.

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No he isnā€™t. He is probably Centre Left. He had absolutely nothing good to say at all about Corbyn for example.

Itā€™s a measure of our political compass that anyone centimetres to the left of the political spectrum is branded a hard left socialist.


This part 100%, the fact that some individuals have more money than 99.99% of people can even imagine is a gross concept when so many have so little, and the worse part is those who have that money always want more ā€¦complete madness ā€¦and itā€™s encouraged without shame

Heā€™s not a hard left socialst, heā€™s Maoā€™s twin brother. Makes Giggs look like Thatcher.

Does part of you not think that such an utter fuckwit is consciously playing up to what he perceives to be a lovable rogue?

He isnā€™t actually, far more central than you think. He never supported Corbyn for example and actually voted for Boris Johnson to be the London Mayor well back. Even calls Corbynā€™s brother a loony.

Heā€™s been tagged with an extreme left tag for calling out the Brexit BS (big red buses, fishing etc.) and taking on some real nut jobs that sometimes call in. And I think his rise has been linked to calling out the issues that came with Cameron and now Johnson. That is 100% fair and right IMO.

The video is worth a listen because it hits the very conversation of whether Sunak is actually in a position to understand people while he hails from a completely different background to those he preaches to protect. Oā€™Brien doesnā€™t actually say that much, itā€™s all from the contributor

The laugh was actually suggesting Boris is smart. He isnā€™t, not in my opinion. Having read and enjoying the classics doesnā€™t make someone smart in my book. A smart person wouldnā€™t shake the hands of people with an infectious disease, or preach being green while taking a private plane to Blackpool. Otherwise my apologies, I did not know you were dyslexic, I thought it was ah honest fat finger typo. My partner is also dyslexic and we suspect our little one may also be, so I have some very small appreciation of the difficulties, but only from an external perspective. Impossible to fully understand it unless you live it.

Later in the conversation, he almost melts over the possible state of the callerā€™s mental health. Diddums. My wildest hooked drives go less to the left.

If itā€™s all an act, itā€™s a complete immersion job, one he has been working on all his life.

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Itā€™s called compassion. You should try it.


Not an issue mate, Iā€™ll wear it every time. Just be warned that criticising spelling, grammmar (sic) etc can now get you in hot water as youā€™re essentially taking the piss out of a disability. I think this is bollocks personally but it came up in a school recently and I just had to shake my heeed. Correcting the spelling of a fellow teacher is now oppression, victimisation and bullying of those who suffer from a condition that youā€™re too bigoted to understand. I jest not.

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Not everyone who is educated at independent schools, comes from a wealthy background. I had to re mortgage my house to pay for my daughter to go to Liverpool College, because she was bullied at a state Comprehensive school.


Ask my local food bank, theyā€™ll vouch for me.

Mind if I ask if ultimately that was a good idea given how it all played out? If it has if that makes sense? Thx.

My (independent) school restricts the numbers of children it takes from families who can afford full fees to less than 10%. The majority of parents donā€™t pay any fees at all because they canā€™t afford to.