UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

That’s my point…

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Not picking on you, just that tit Sturgeon… Wake up Nicola you’ve missed the boat!

Nadine Dorries:
Sadly this woman comes across as a lush that is permanently half/fully sozzled…!
So embarrassed to think she is a Liverpudlian that comes from a working class background like a lot of us have done…
Like a lot of famous ex-Scousers, she flaunts her background if it wins her points, abandons it when it matters…
How on earth she can defend the indefensible actions of Bojo at every turn is beyond comprehension…
Here in Liverpool… I am ashamed she calls herself one of our own


Saw her location was put as Gloucestershire. Can I be ashamed of her too?!


If anyone has seen Russell T Davies superb drama Years and Years, so so reminds me of Vivian Rook. I swear she is going to turn up at some point in a far right populist party.


Not seen it yet but will make a point of taking it in… Thank you :+1:

Isn’t she already in one?

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While I agree that whether an individual is educated at the most lowly comprehensive or the most exclusive of public schools should not be decisive; it can still be used to inform the proclivities of those in public life, in the absence of evidence to the contrary. Knowing one candidate went to Eton; then had a pre-politics career in a field where ‘skill and experience’ is highly subjective and claims to espouses typical traditional liberal values (individual freedom etc) may lead one to prejudge this candidate against another with a more atypical background who is also claiming similar traditional liberal values. Much more importantly, when you have a government (and political system) that is hugely unrepresentative of the experiences of the vast majority, the depth of understanding and desire for change required for good public policy becomes much harder.

And I say this as someone who has been given all the educational advantages available in my - thankfully somewhat more meritocratic - country.

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When what was supposed to be an off teh wall drama was/is prescient - that is scary. I understand that the writer had wanted to write the series for about 20 years at a time when this really was just science fiction. Obviously hugely different and I’m not making parallels wrt outcome, but it is striking how contemporary reports from continental europe in the 1920s cannot fathom the unravelling that was to follow…

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Is Dorries a more updated version of Edwina Currie? Been out of the country for a while, but that’s what she reminds me of.

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I’ve been doing my level best to zone out from this fuckwit…but Christ Almighty, this is weapons-grade stupid.