UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Who said he was cleverer than we all thought?

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Iā€™ve been wondering lately whether @epsom_red was at any of the partiesā€¦

Was there a porch?

From the article

It was the fastest pace of growth since 1941, although it came after a dramatic 9.4% collapse in 2020 as the pandemic forced parts of the economy to shut

So weā€™re still 1.9% down overall, and the recovery has slowed. The recovery is a function of removing all Covid restrictions, nothing else. To me anyway.

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My admiration for Lavrov continues to grow. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if all those Russian troll farms were actually his children.

My disdain for Truss stays the same. Rock bottom.


Itā€™s pretty rare in international diplomacy for one party to so deliberately try to make a fool out of the other. Not least because in normal circumstances, the risk of blowback is far higher than the probability of it succeeding. Evidently not a concern this time.


Lavrov when he heard Truss was visiting

Go On Yes GIF


Think of the cheeseā€¦ And apples, donā€™t forget the apples.

If only she played the Alekhine defenceā€¦(or knew Russian geography :rofl:)

Would not surprise me if she comes back with a free trade agreement and war breaks out the next day.

Yeah a trade agreement to supply Russia with some tanksā€¦!

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Was surprised when I saw this on twitter this morning. Was even more surprised to see a number of people imply that this isnā€™t out of the ordinary for him.

Never even heard of him!

I recognise his name, but donā€™t think he is one of the better known MPs. I think a couple of years ago he was talked about because of some texts he sent Corbyn (he isnā€™t a fan!).

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Doesnā€™t sound like heā€™s much of a people person!