UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

It’s being reported in the Independent.

If you want to make any situation worse, throw Liz Truss at it.

BBC are reporting it now.

Do you reckon she was saying, Pew Pew Pew!!! as this photo was taken??

The response to the Liz Truss allegation is likely to be don’t believe Russian Propaganda. That’s fair enough, and no doubt the Kremlin would be keen to find a NATO member to pin the blame on. But the two are not mutually exclusive. We should be cautious around any information that comes out of the Kremlin. We should also acknowledge that Liz Truss would be out of her depth in a puddle, and that a women of her limited capacity is in one of the great roles of state is a staggering indictment of post Brexit politics in the UK.

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What does Liz Truss being a fully functional idiot have to do with BREXIT?

Liz Truss would be nowhere near that job if Brexit hadn’t given Johnson the wherewithal to purge more capable politicians from his consideration and create it from a vanishingly small pool of talent.

I’m trying to hold my tongue on the Brexit issue with regards Ukraine because I don’t really want the argument, but it’s incredibly difficult given the role Russian money has played in creating the instability in Europe that has led us here.

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BREXIT didn’t make Putin invade.

The onboard from the plane…

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Butterfly effect, my friend. Just ask Ian Malcolm.

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Adjusted it for you.

The money was in London way before Brexit. Something has only finally been done about it after Brexit.

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I think, regardless of our personal politics on the matter, we have to acknowledge that destabilising the European Union has been an aim of Putin for some time, and the Russian Money that has been funnelled into the Conservative Party and the Vote Leave campaign has very much been part of this process.

Also @Kopstar, suggesting that Brexit has allowed us to tackle Russian Money in London is frankly absurd.

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Point taken.

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You might wish to acknowledge something that has no relevance to Putin invading Ukraine, not something I’m agreeing with. Stabilising, de-stabilising or just pushing the EU over has zero bearing on NATO. Doesn’t matter what we did, he was invading.

Correlation is not causation [David Mitchell voice]

Just pointing out the timeline… :wink:

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Pretty much.

Great thread. This government is so incompetent.

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It’s exhausting. The absolute shitshow we’ve become.

I suppose Boris was right though. You just fuck up so regularly and brazenly, it becomes impossible to process.

O’Brien is spot on here. The last decade for Putin, has been about trying to destabilise America and Europe (Trump with the former and Brexit/other domestic populist campaigns the latter) to the point where invading Ukraine was going to be a cakewalk.

The Conservative Party is balls deep in Russian money. London has been turning into a money laundering operation for former Soviet public resources.

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Some good stuff in there. Shame he throws in bollocks as well though, as it’s made to look believable alongside the true stuff.

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