UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

It to give it Farage. Every time he opens his mouth it seems to enable him to take one foot out and put the other in.

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More than that…

I have to give it to him for lasting this long without getting stabbed in the neck in the pub.


So rising energy prices, food prices , petrol prices and yet our pay rises will be shite, but our MPs give themselves 2,7% payrise …fucking joke

Very badly misjudging the mood of the nation.

Worse part is (open to correction if needed) they get £800 pm food allowance as far as I remember , they get all their bills paid for and they get to claim freebies whilst having plush jobs …and that’s without the dirty cash associated with dodgy lobbying from other nations … absolutely disgusted , always takes a Tory government to show the them and us paradox when in difficult times

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Thats a below inflation ‘pay rise’, so is still a pay cut’ in real terms. I think the average pay rise this year has been 3.8% so this is below that.

@Mascot is right though, optically it is poor.

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MPs pay-rises are in the hands of an independent body. They could, however, have turned them down.

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Well I can see the union wants the civil service to get 10%, but I can guarantee we won’t get 3.8%…and the difference between them and us is every pay rise we get has strings attached to it , these twats never have anything attached that basically means in real terms that certain key areas of our contracts can change for having to accept a pay rise …it’s basically disgusting that this happens in today’s society imo.

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Could they? How so? All the reporting I’ve seen seems to claim the opposite…

They’ve done it before, iirc.

Correction. Many of them have virtue-signalled that they would be turning down payrises - I obviously bought it that they could do so.

However, it seems that you’re right. They can’t turn it down - they get it whether they want it or not. They can, however, choose to donate the increase to charitable causes, once they’ve got it. I believe some MPs have done this but then that could also have been virtue-signalling that I’ve swallowed hook, line, and sinker!

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I think that’s what they’ve chosen to do, which is fair enough. I’ve seen the other argument that they should not have any say over their pay whatsoever, that it should be determined entirely independently, which I do agree with.

A lot of my initial outrage was like yours, misdirected. Now it should be directed on why the MPs aren’t doing more to help mitigate the cost-of-living issues.

Had to laugh when I saw Patel’s comment about being reluctant to brief the Opposition, as they had a poor track record of adhering to security requirements.

Sorry, who was it who was compelled to resign as a minister for holding an unauthorized and initially secret meeting with a foreign government?


You know you’re not supposed to do that :joy::joy::joy::joy:…I mean it could come across that she’s a hypocrite

Russ Jones in the thread posted by @ISMF above calls Priti Patel “Sauron’s gnome”.

Can’t pretend I didn’t nearly piss myself at that.

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Pretty scathing from Michael Heseltine here:

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Good to see you round again in fine form sir.

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I can’t take any credit for that excoriating piece; it’s all Mr Heseltine’s work.

All I can do is bring it to a wider audience.

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