UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

I wasn’t paying close attention to what Conservative policy is. I just happened to chance upon that article. Is it actually Conservative policy to invest in insulation of existing housing stock?

Problem is the policy should have begun implementation at least a decade ago. Do you think the Conservatives deserve to get a pass on that?

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No. All of these climate initiatives should have been taken 10, 20, 30 years ago.


I was chatting to a friend last night after we both received emails about the energy price hike come April. Mine is going up £700 a year but she was telling me her bill is increasing to £550…per month. Fucking hell I didnt think it was possible to consume that much energy in a standard 3 bed house. I haven’t been in their house in winter but can only imagine their boiler is running 24/7. To be fair they have a Tesla company car so that could be factoring into it, but I think better insulating the house maybe something high on their priority list soon. I don’t imagine the April price increase is even factoring Putin’s war either so things are going to go further downhill for them.

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Hence the at least. But you are right we really could go back to Thatcher.

Wow - what is the consumer price of gas per M3, and per kWh? In cost terms, £550/month is astronomical. With a largish house, I don’t approach that number in January (month with the most heating degree days, 893 vs. 408 in Liverpool).

No, the April price hike was to fix what was happening in the Fall. It won’t reflect recent events.

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Seems like Thomas Piketty kinda agrees with this. Own up, Thomas you are a lurker/poster on this forum aren’t you? Which of youse is Piketty?!

It is likely that a considerable effect could already be achieved by targeting those with more than €10m. These 20,000**people are those who have benefited most from the Putin regime since he came to power in 1999, and all the evidence suggests that a considerable proportion of their real-estate and financial assets are located in western countries (between half and three-quarters). It would therefore be relatively easy for western states to levy a heavy tax on these assets, say at a rate of 10% or 20% to start with, freezing the rest as a precaution. Threatened with ruin and a ban on visiting the west, let’s bet that this group would be able to make itself heard by the Kremlin.

The same mechanism could have been used in the wake of the Chinese political crackdown in Hong Kong, and could be applied in the future for the 200,000 or so Chinese citizens holding more than €10m. Although their assets are less internationalised than those of the Russians, they too would be hit hard. It could destabilise the regime.

**20,000 is across West rather than just my uneducated guess of 1,000 for UK

Not that I want to defend Corbyn in particular, but Boris is just vile.


Not heard anything from Corbyn or Momentum since the war in Ukraine started. Strange that isn’t it? But then again maybe not, he’s not likely to criticise his Putin is he?


Think I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s really unsettling how many supposed socialists are either staying silent or supporting Putin in this.

It’s absurd especially considering how un-socialist it is.


Can’t agree more. Sad thing is, such opinion/feelings are rather widespread.

Cometh the hour , cometh the dickhead ;

'Boris Johnson has been criticised for comparing the struggle of Ukrainians fighting the Russian invasion to British people voting for Brexit.

In his speech to the Conservative spring conference in Blackpool, Johnson said it is the “instinct of the people of this country, like the people of Ukraine to choose freedom”, with the Brexit vote a “famous recent example”.

The comparison was condemned by Tory peer Lord Barwell, who pointed out Ukraine is seeking to join the EU.

SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford said: “Boris Johnson’s comments comparing Ukraine’s life-threatening situation with Brexit was crass and distasteful, and shows just how dangerously obsessed the Tories are with Brexit.”

This prick just can’t help himself can he.


This is about Borris though. Hasan just uses Corbyn as an example.

As for Corbyn he may very well be a lost cause regarding Russia but that’s besides the point and irrelevant to this tbh.


I agree, Blackford is a massive prick.

Yes it really is. This wasn’t about that though, but Borris and Muhammad bin Salman. I really don’t understand how you guys just ran with the Corbyn stuff when it was Borris it was all about.

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I’d rather take my chances with Blackford than Boris tbh. I’ll caveat that by saying that other than what he’s said PMQ’s I dont know a lot about him.

I’d happily take that risk than supporting a self serving clueless liar who will get into bed with anyone who will give him a leg up. His actions have literally cost lives and he has made the UK a laughing stock. He is the very embodiment of a cunt. He is followed quickly by David Cameron who is a thieving cunt.

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