UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

I’m not sure Blackford is any better. Plays to the Nationalist galary too much (recent misrepresenting the pension system when saying Westminster would have to pay money in regards to contributions already made - despite specialists explaining to him why he was wrong.



Corbyn is resigned to the dustbin of UK political history and yet he still gets kicked based on absolute tosh.

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It’s funny how he always hits the headlines just when Johnson is in trouble

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Not as funny as how people lap up this shit whole Johnson gets away with stuff magnitudes worth than Corbyn has ever done.


Can we just stop encouraging @WooltonRed and continue talking about Johnson’s abhorrent comments?

I’m lost… Is @WooltonRed Corbyn?

Fair point. Better the devil you dont know when it comes to politics I guess. Still, they’d have to be a pretty bad and nasty piece of work as a politician for me to prefer Boris over them. Close run thing when you think that Rees-Mogg, Patel, Raab, Swayne, Baker are all still circulating.

I guess Thatcher would be the obvious choice.


I appear to have touched a nerve, they’re all making an appearance now.

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No. Just a guy obsessed with him.

[quote=“GoneKloppo, post:8914, topic:351”]
No. Just a guy obsessed with him.
Please don’t talk about me, as if I’m not here.

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So many absolute tools in British politics. Boris is a twat, so are most of the others. It’s a very sorry state of affairs.

I got the book “why do we always get the wrong politicians” (something like that); it’s long overdue a read.


Corbyn and Johnson are two ends of the spectrum. Moral absolutism and absolutely no morals. Both are deeply flawed. Universal ethics do not apply irrespective of the situation. This is principally Corbyn’s Achilles heel. He treats all war (and other things) the same, and his moral absolutism is what blinds him to the reality of the situation.

To use an analogy Corbyn it a bit like Batman. (Hear me out :sweat_smile:). Batman has a moral code. He will not kill the Joker (he even saved him a few times). Superficially it’s easy to say thats the right thing…except in the case of the Joker, it is not… The Joker always escapes. He will kill again. He will destroy lives again. You know it, I know it, Batman knows it.

Sure Batman can feel good that he never broke his moral code. But ultimately, it leads to a worse outcome. The blood of many more people is in part on Batman’s hands because he stuck to his moral code. I know Corbyn gets the shit end of the stick by the media (his supporters advocating history has shown him to be right). I am not sure thats correct (see batman analogy). Sometimes war is the right thing, the moral thing to do. It was a failing for me that the West did not to intervene in Syria earlier.

In the context of international relations and criticism, its got to be remembered that he described Bin Laden’s death as a tragedy, his refusal to blame Russia for Salisbury poisoning, opposing sanctions after Russia shot down Malaysian airlines. Russia lies, its part of their strategy. By repeating their propaganda as STWC/Corbyn does it does not facilitate peace by allowing us to see their perspective. It is contributing to an information war. One trying to shift the narrative.

Corbyn treats Putin with respect. However sometimes people are not rational, they lie, they cheat, they do not care about human life. To quote batman

Animated GIF

Trying to placate Putin will only bring more pain. Corbyn is advicating for peace. I am sure he would not be opposed to a outcome where peace is on Russian terms (NATO, miltary size, Luhansk and Donetsk regions). Only for us to be in the same position in 4 years time when Putin has regrouped and the olympics is over.


… and what’s your take on Johnson?
It being more important as Corbyn is a non enterty now! :roll_eyes: :crazy_face:


Johnson is simply a populist. He uses his carefully crafted persona to influence people. To a large extent, its a charade/a game/a character, and he will say or do anything that advances his career or limits him from blame. He is prone to calculated exaggerations, being provocative and acting outside the norms of expected behaviour (see his appearance)

He does not care about people. Be it the general public or those close to him. He is hopelessly out of his depth but surrounds himself with yes-men who do not offer any threat. He will happily smear opponents and sees this as part of the game.

His decisions are, therefore a combination of personal gain and public perception. Difficult decisions he sees how it plays out in the court of public opinion. Russia was an ideal distraction from Partygate. He is careful on refugees as he is not sure how it will play out with Brexiters. He is driven by legacy. He wants to be remembered to make his mark on history. A modern-day Churchhill. We see lots of rheortic, not sure there is much behind it.

If Corbyn is Batman, Johnson is Loki. Likely to stab you in the back and smarter than he appears.

Tom Hiddleston Marvel GIF by


Sadly the Labour party is still devided, and Corbyns legacy still looms large. Its why Starmer recently had to distance himself from Corbyn and the STWC

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When has the Labour party not been divided. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Does he?

Corbyn was criticising Putin when Blair was endorsing his ascension to power. He was calling out his human rights record when other politician were going giddy over his gas reserves.

Everyone treated him with respect until the invasion as he was the recognised leader of a major world power.

As you say, Corbyn criticised him earlier than most.

But why are we discussing Corbyn? It’s the governing party of the UK and its current PM who have been cosying up with oligarchs.
That is the issue.


Agree with everything you say bar this. He follows this persona because it works probably having stumbled into it from being lazy, can’t be asked etc.

I think there’s a world of difference between being well educated and smart. That has clearly played out with Covid and possibly partygate.

A further point I would add is that he is selfishly driven, extremely motivated to further himself at the cost of all others. Dare I say it that he may also be a tad insecure? Always wanting to be the centre of attention?

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Tbf you were the one that posted the article :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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