UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Walter White I Give Up GIF by Breaking Bad

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The thing is, Chamberlain was ineffective. So far, Johnson hasnā€™t been (re Ukraine).

Itā€™s just everything else he has been ineffective at


And being at parties.

Heā€™s also a world leaderā€¦ at hiding in fridges.


Yes he has. He was appallingly late with initial sanctions, has dragged his heels on widening their scope, and there is the fact that both he and his party are absolutely balls deep in Russian money.

The Prime Minister has struggled to command any kind of moral authority on Russia, and while heā€™s doing favours for oligarchs like putting them in the House of Lords and giving them access to British democracy thatā€™s understandable.


75% of the public think Johnson lied about attending parties, and 57% think he should resign.

By my reckoning thatā€™s 18% who are the kind of forelock tugging, cap doffing serfs who will keep voting for their betters come what may.

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I donā€™t think that first paragraph is an accurate summary. The government needed to amend legislation to allow for a lower threshold of scrutiny when sanctioning individuals. As soon as it did that it then sanctioned many individuals (I think over 2,000 now). Itā€™s led the way internationally on sanctioning Russian institutions though, and in providing aid and military equipment to Ukraine.

I agree with you on the concerning links to Russian money and the individuals wielding potential influence.

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Iā€™d like to see a comparison against the EU on how quickly sanctions were raised against individuals.

Has the Uk seized any of the London properties I wonder? Iā€™m expecting so, considering Chelsea was taken.

Otherwise, itā€™s been a pretty decent week for the government. Thereā€™s not been any news of dodgy PPE contracts this week.

Different legal systems and Chelsea hasnā€™t been seized.

Sure, but who was quicker?

The UK on institutions and the EU on individuals.

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Had a sudden realisation. If they both resign who is left to become PM?

Truss, Patel, Raab, Nadine or Mogg ?

Really is scrapping the bottom of the barrel

Not just lacking morals but most of them as thick as two short planks.

Raab is formally Deputy PM :open_mouth:

Gove? Hunt may make another run?

Bunch of shite mainly.

Pritiā€™s the obvious choice, she ticks so many boxes. If you donā€™t know Spitting Image, the original was better but the newer stuff is still worth a giggle:

Mogg. Lolā€¦

its just a pocket breaking out into another pocket, so not a real breakout i am afraid. Also, wrong thread :wink:

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I think we all know he wonā€™t go, not unless heā€™s pushed. Pushed hard too. I think the process requires him to stay while a leadership contest is run. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anyone really capable in the loony bin theyā€™ve extradited everyone decent. The patients are running the asylum.

Further personal conspiracy theory. Knowing the animal that Johnson is, what chances he blames Carrie for this? Heā€™s been fined for his own birthday party by all accounts which Carrie set up etc. I wouldnā€™t put this beyond him myself.

I actually put this to a Conservative supporting friend of mine. There are actually still some decent and capable MPs on the back benches (for example, he mentioned Tobias Ellwood who my friend served in the army with) but he expected ā€œsomeone more Bexityā€ to get in if there is a leadership election. Essentially, because of the purges of the more traditional one-nation conservative MPs and the entryism within the party membership there is practically no chance of a more capable politician getting control. It is now the party of what John Major would have described as the S.H.1.T.s.

I suspect that this will also push support for Scottish Independence. What English politicians seem to constantly miss about the whole Scottish National movement is that it isnā€™t some sort of blood-and-soil mirror of British Nationalism. The main concerns are about democracy and civil rights and the last thing they need right now is some over-privileged, educationally subnormal toff waving a union jack at them and telling them to know their place.


Agree. Iā€™m sure there are some decent people in the party but theyā€™ve been swamped by the loons. This whole thing with the ERG or whatever they call themselves these days and the purge undertaken by Johnson these people have now choice but to keep their heads down and keep nodding when spoken to. Sad state.

Fascinating point on Scottish independence. Iā€™d have said that Iā€™m there is some ā€œnationalismā€ in there, but your point on it predominantly being driven by other political factors is interesting. Here in Wales that same movement is being driven by wanting a fair slice of the pie. But thereā€™s also a cultural undertone to it. Colonialism is still a thing and thereā€™s some push back against that.

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