UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

I think the phrase they use is “civic nationalism” which is defining the nation in terms of those that live there regardless of background. The resistance to that has always had a strong sectarian element. I’ve always felt that with Wales the big defining factor (at least for Plaid) is preserving cultural identity, particularly around the Welsh language. I suppose the issue of second homes is also huge but that causes problems everywhere (Cornwall, Cumbria etc),


There are some decent Conservative MPs but they’re all long shots for the leadership.

I was in the post office the other day and the radio was on, no idea what station.

The editor of some online Tory magazine was talking about, or should I say fawning over, Bozo.

‘No one else in the country could have done what he’s done in the last few months.’

Sweet Jesus…I wonder what he is spouting this morning…

He could be right but not in the way he intended!

My thoughts exactly!

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probably that United are one signing away from winning the League

Correct. It’s not nice when you see some of the stuff being spouted in the press or other sources about your culture. You can see it being eroded without a single thought being given to it.

Second homes is certainly an issue here and a horribly complex topic given the relationship of employment opportunities etc. but also that language aspect.


people honestly vote for this imbecile? Really?


I could tell you of multiple schools that had absolute social distancing, rigorously enforced rules, billions of gallons of hand sanitizers and staff in bubbles for lunch with chairs removed or taped off for meetings. I can equally tell you of a school with a staffroom fridge full of booze that had non of the above throughout lockdown. The former far more representative of the whole but the latter does exist.

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maybe; I’ll have to take your word for it but why is it with MP’s like Fabricant everyone in the UK is utterly useless apart from those that are Tory MP’s? I’d say my experince of Tory MP’s is that they are lazy and utterly useless.

I mean you have the likes of Patel and Raab writing books on how the UK workforce is some of the laziest in the world. That is blatantly just not true. If anything those that wrote that book are the lazy and useless ones.

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Fabricant misses the point of the public anger. We’re not cross at the government because the broke a law. We’re cross because they made the laws. They kept us apart from our loved ones and were lecturing us on the importance of those laws while taking the piss at the same time.


On Michael Fabricant. He is quite transparently an android approximating what it considers to be human behaviour. It’s even called itself ‘Fabricant’ for gods sake.


In the Civil Service I worked under ministers from all 4 main GB parties although the only Conservative was Michael Forsyth who was, as far as I recall, pleasant but ineffectual.

We used to get what were classed as “ministerial questions” which I worked on as a data analyst. The name was a bit of a misnomer because they were technically from any serving MP or MSP but I think the inference was that they were sent via the responsible minister. Generally, the questions that we got though were reasonably intelligent: spending by area, health outcomes by income. That sort of thing. Occasionally you would get these things through that were obviously a leading question and you would have to make sense of them as best as possible. Typically these would come through from some wannabe Thatcherite or a Citizen Smith type.

I’m a good 10 years away from that but I do occasionally see names pop up that I recognise from work I did. The MP who was murdered last year, David Amess, was one I remembered because we did a piece for him on the effect of home insulation which I remember being an interesting piece of work.

These names like Fabricant are a mystery to me. He must have been an MP for the whole time I was in the civil service but I honestly thought he was a parody when he popped up on TV. Admittedly, most of the work I did was in Scotland but if you are completely unaware of these names it does rather indicate that these lazy bastards haven’t so much as asked a question in the whole time they have been MPs.

There is a perception of MPs being a bunch of freeloaders but most of them are pretty hard working. I do get the impression, though, that an increasing number regard it either as toe-hold on to a media career or simple a route to embezzlement.


When I first saw him I thought it was supposed to be a Boris Johnston parody. I mean Fabricant/Fabricated is the giveaway, isn’t it. But unless someone has been very clever at constructing his Wikipedia page he has been an MP for 30 years.

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He stood before the country and told us the new COVID rules. He has absolutely zero excuse for breaking them. I’d have the fucker swinging but maybe some would prefer some kind of community rehabilitation order? Maybe meet those who missed funerals and friends over tea and biscuits so he can appreciate what he did? Or maybe just a very unsafe chair… We all I’d imagine have a story of not going to a funeral. I missed several. This cunt has flown above the law one too many times now and needs to be booted, defrocked, radished and treated to some KGB style TLC. Of course I don’t mean this, I wouldn’t waste the radish.


I’m honestly bemused how Boris isn’t in jail after the stuff he’s pulled over the years. That dodgy phone call for example where he was talking about someone being assaulted. Sorry I cant remember the details.

if I were a frying pan fabricator I’d honestly be asking him to take part in a TV advert and I’d probably name my premium frying pans the “Boris” line

But that’s not convincing enough for some




Johnson speaking now about what a wonderful tradition the UK has of welcoming immigrants and making a virtue of our infinite compassion.

Oh , and from now on we’re going to be shipping them off to Rwanda !

More gaslighting from the most mendacious fucker ever to hold high office.