UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Understood. Odd that our inflation is also predicted to be the highest in the G7.

I think part of that is down to how we buy our energy.

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We are very unresiliant and susceptible to external shocks?

Probably but isn’t Germany more exposed to the problems from energy imports than we are?

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I saw the PwC report for the UK and they seemed to think that the reduction in household spending is the biggest driver of slowing growth in the UK. Tax and the cost of living are both going up more than income. The UK economy is very consumer led so that will slow everything down.

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Potentially. Right now no.

Thought I’d throw this in here. We have the CEO of Scottish Power saying the government intervention is needed to help people that will undoubtedly struggle to pay. Personally I’m a bit pissed that the standing charge has increased as it has.

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Sue Grey really might be the end of Johnson

I’ve seen it way too many times to believe anything’s going to happen to this charlatan…


sorry, cant be arsed looking into it further, b ut just to clarify…is this guy a joke or a real politician…

that hair!!!..wha?..

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MP of 30 years standing! Genuinely came as a shock to me as well. So yes, the guy is a joke - he is a real elected politician.

Knew I recognised him from somewhere:

I was wondering if he was part of some kind of Boris fan club or something but its probably some shocking fashion choices.

Sad that its probably using the same marketing message as Boris though

Looks pretty certain that Boris’s goose is now cooked. The motion for a probe into whether he has misled parliament is to take place. Why they need a probe is beyond me but I guess due process needs to be followed. This is also a Labour proposal. The end is near when Brexit Hard Man and Climate Change denier Steve Baker changes his colours.

Also worth noting that Boris has spent time visiting a JCB factory in India (another Tory donor and Brexit supporter no less) while bulldozers are currently flattening Muslim houses in Delhi.

'Gig’s up’: Tories join in condemning Boris Johnson over Partygate - YouTube

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I just can’t quite understand how he has lasted this long. Were they trying for the ‘new manager bounce but early enough to keep the skeletons in the closet’ strategy by switching leaders just before the next GE perhaps? That is part of the Tory playbook.

I mean I am aware that the Tories are limited in choices given the intelligence vacuum within the party since Brexit but it still seems a horrible strategy when not only Boris’s but the party’s approval rating continues to plummet even amongst the elderly, the leavers, the dyed in the wool Conservatives who are all essential for a Tory re-election.

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If they appoint a new leader and their poll ratings improve, I would not be surprised if there was a snap election. I think they would have to because it would take years to sort out the mess he’s left.

I get what you mean about things only getting worse for the party, but with Starmer and Labour for the first time leading in the polls as best party for the economy, that’s a huge step for them. I just don’t see a snap election being a good step. Labour are dug in and it would be a huge risk calling for a GE in the near future.

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I don’t think the Tory party are bothered about the state of the economy (in terms of election timing) it’s about what they can get away with. When John Major lost in 1997 the economy was actually doing OK but the Tories were riddled with (what Major called) SH1Ts.

If you look at the Tory party now they are very thin on the ground for any talent whatsoever. There are one or two capable politicians out there. Whether they would get the support of the Tory membership is another matter because that has taken a drastic tilt to the far right in recent years (Britain First entryism being a major factor). If they have a sniff at election victory they will jump at it rather than let people’s lives get even more unbearable first.

The only reason I could imagine that they would delay would be to get gerrymandering legislation through - e.g. voter ID and boundary changes.

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With the cost of living crisis going catastrophic, and about to get worse, and with Brexit not helping, I thought about a scenario where the Tories call an election, put up a half arsed fight - possibly using Johnson as a strawman leader - allow Labour an easy victory just before it’s goes completely tits up. Back in power four years later, blaming Labour (again) for the state of the economy, nicely settled in for a fifteen year stint.

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