UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

Equally, not potentially pre-determining something that was for Sue Gray to determine was sensible.

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Getting away with it is. I’ve never seen anything near the BS Johnson gets away with.

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Never watched any Blair then ?


Blair was far more honest than Johnson.


Laugh Lol GIF by PG Tips

Both of them are lying twats and if they are the best we can up with as a benchmark of honesty we are screwed…shame we don’t have anyone of substance that really stands out

We did, May.

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And John Major.


Gordon Brown and John Major - the last two with any kind of decency and integrity.

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John Major shagged Edwina Curry, so integrity goes out of the window , and Gordon was a two faced twit, I remember s story of him attending some high brow event with a twelve course meal and then popped out to lecture the public about food waste …and had a spoilt brat look on his face when someone asked if he ate all of his food that night

If I was invited to a party and that was what I arrived to I’d think someone had massively oversold it.

Not really but one lying PM doesn’t mean we should excuse another. Quite the opposite as fa as I’m concerned, no matter what side of the fence they’re on.

If we’re judging, what makes Johnson worse is that he is utterly useless and happens to be in charge during a time where strong leadership Is needed. He is a rotten chocolate teapot.

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I agree, all politicians of consequence are rubbish. I was sort of hovering between, sure some are ok and some even have good intentions but you have pushed me over/across the edge of rationality.

The problem is complete apathy from Johnson and most of the Conservatives.

You can shout and scream and have every right to - but you still end up looking like the shrieking, irrelevant moron when the guy you are shouting at just laughs in your face.


No senior politician is “good”, some of that is because the job requires making decisions that will impact people in bad ways no matter what you do while sometimes it is because getting to the top of that industry requires being a backstabbing, manipulative shyster.

However, some politicians are not as bad as others. I’m not sure we have ever had such an irresponsible, self-serving and downright silly person in charge at this time. His responses at PMQs, when he answered a question about the cost of living crises by referring to “Vladimir Corbyn” should have seen him kicked out the chamber by the speaker. Absolutely pathetic. He has never cared about a single person on this planet apart from himself.


Calling Keir Starmer “Beer Korma”…quite funny.

Correct. These people, despite breaking the law believe they are the victims.

Call it out makes little difference when a gaslit population feels he’s been given a hard time and “tried his best”

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Absolutely brilliant article on that very subject here: