UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

As @JU97ICE says, its too early in the cycle for an opposition party to roll out its defining policies. They have put some out there but they either get no traction amongst the electorate, or they get no credit for them (windtax being the latest example).

Brexit remains a big issue for the party, not least because the leader was a remainer and will be painted as trying to cancel brexit on almost any proposal he makes.


Equally, the windfall tax was first proposed by the LibDems and yet Labour seek (and get) the credit as the originators…politics, eh?!

I dont disagree, they should not “reveal” their policies now, but in an age where people want to be on one side or the other and seeking an alternative, Labour dont offer any side at all. And that to some degree hurts them. It comes down to a basic contest of Labour calling Boris a cunt and then Boris shouting that Starmer is the same and painting a false picture that Labour would rejoin the EU within weeks of being in power etc. It’s a game that Labour cant win because they currently dont stand for anything.

For the record I think Stewart’s main priority is wanting Boris out of No. 10.

This doesn’t look good


The ABBA ‘party’ was just Johnson and his wife playing The Winner Takes It All after Cummings left. It’s a non-event.

The Karaoke thing though…Mark Sedwill and Martin Reynolds have a lot of explaining to do.

Fundamentally though, redrafting Gray’s report stinks.

Decimalisation was one of the happiest events of my childhood.


Not sure I’ll notice too much in everyday life to be honest. The road signs are still in miles and most people still seems to use feet, inches and pounds - even pints… I wish we would go fully metric but as someone on here is so fond of saying (and quite often at that) - people are f***wits. I knew it was just a matter of time once we decided not to change the road signs a while back.

While we’re at it, we should think about brining back fox hunting and the right to own guns as well - maybe hold the odd witch trial or two as well…


Bring back wassailing, whatever it is, and morris men, they were a hoot.

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How do you know that ? And if it was so inocuous then wouldn’t it have been fully investigated and , crucially , reported on ?

Andrew Rawnsley , one of Johnson’s biggest critics amongst the press, has an especially scathing piece about him in today’s Observer.

“The character of organisations is immensely influenced by the example set by the person at the top. When that person is Mr Johnson, you get a culture of selfish, arrogant, entitled, amoral, narcissistic rule-breaking that combines, in the true spirit of the Bullingdon Club, snobbery with yobbery.”


Pretty sure this information is in the public domain.

Wasn’t that very dangerous?

I know our attention has been rightly drawn to the shit show in Paris but is anyone surprised that Johnson may have had a gathering in his own flat on his birthday?

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It was a work/bunga bunga party. Nothing to see here - move along

Some are saying we may already have reached 54 letters. William Hague says Johnson is in ‘real trouble’ and that a confidence vote is imminent.

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Saw a poll this morning that had Labour 11 points ahead. On that basis it would give them a 23 seat majority if there was an election tomorrow by all accounts. That might spark other Tories into action, given the predictable animals they are.

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Don’t know where to put this. UK Politics thread is probably as good as any.

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The title is misleading

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