UK Politics Thread (Part 1)

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richard nixon president GIF

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More EU extortion

How is this extortion?

It’s weaponising the Irish border. Again.

Understood. But nothing to do with our initial decision to leave the EU and subsequent threats on the Northern Ireland Protocol. You know the one we agreed and signed up to.


You think the EU should be happy to let the UK have all the benefits of cooperation, while UK threatens to unilaterally scrap parts of the protocol?

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Would this Brexit thing keep creating issues in the foreseeable future???

Yes, for some time. Particularly if both sides continue to politicise issues and grandstand rather than grow up and work constructively together.

100% agreed but its not happening with this government sorry to say. They have a lie to maintain. Nothing improves until they admit the deal they signed was garbage and will work to look at improving it.

Similarly I doubt the EU has any motivation to work with the current UK government.


It works both ways though. With ideologues like Michel, morons like Von Der Leyen, and prickly narcissists like Macron, the EU is not very likely to be a grown up partner here. I agree that the same is true with the UK to some extent, except that we’re obviously not going to be as dogmatic but rather more pragmatic.

Obviously :roll_eyes:

Well, yeah. We’re (UK) not constrained by the four ideological pillars from 60+ years ago.

More constrained by vague notions of past glories from 200 years ago.


You’ll honestly have to explain that bit to me when we have a government that wont admit to mess they created.

Yes, I can see the EU being “reluctant” to deal with the UK and that is partly down to personalities.

But when it comes to basics, the UK is now in the position where it has very little to offer in a negotiation having burned everything it previously had to offer.


What we’re seeing is how the EU acts time and time again. It slavishly commits to something in writing even if the evidence is that it doesn’t work in reality. Rather than adjust arrangements according to the reality of implementation, it insists on bureaucratic dogma as only the EU knows how. Oh, and then weaponises (again) the very thing it claims not to weaponise.

I genuinely don’t see that at all - even if it is a constant refrain from those who would prefer to criticise and undermine Brexit than seek to make it work; for the UK (including Northern Ireland) and for the EU (including Ireland).

For example, reference anything that the UK has said that suggests it is committed to 200 year-old notions of ‘empire’. You can’t. Whereas I could cite numerous occasions where the EU has blindly insisted on applying out of date ideological cruxes to the detriment of all parties.

Nice try, but this was something the UK proposed.

I don’t understand how you don’t get that the UK has been the one causing all the issues so far. I don’t see how the EU is being dogmatic in any way compared to the nutters in charge of the British government.


Brexit is a disaster, and anyone pretending otherwise is just delusional at this point.

Also, why on earth would the EU care about making Brexit work? It has its own interests, some of which run directly counter to a successful (if there is such a thing) Brexit. The EU has no reason to compromise to help the UK if it doesn’t benefit itself.


I think the Northern Ireland Protocol was a disaster waiting to happen and I get that the current government agreed to it. This was a response to the UK desperately wanting to avoid a hard border and the EU saying that wasn’t possible in any other way if their internal market was to be protected (which is difficult to believe). It also ignores developments in technologies going forward, divergence/alignment factors, and the actual realities of implementing on the ground something hypothetical on paper.

Are people seriously saying that the agreement is the agreement and fuck how it actually works in practice; even if there are consequences of implementation that each side agree are negative and unintended?! That’s just batshit - and an indication of being entrenched by dogma.