UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I’m not sure this is the best road to go down, especially considering that there are many genetic factors to obesity.

But I don’t know much about the subject and I don’t really have the time to find out, so I’ll stick my nose out of this one.


Caller on Jeremy Vine earlier said, fair enough for those with overactive thyroids, but not overactive knives & forks :rofl:
Incoming apologist onslaught


Factors like underlying health conditions and environmental factors spring to mind. The drugs that they are talking about are primarily meant to treat type II diabetes.

A move to a preventative health model is a good idea, but I would question how many people are unable to work due to obesity being the primary cause.

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It’s underactive thyroids that can cause obesity. Overactive tends to have the opposite effect.


Well I may have misheard, and I’ve never claimed to have a medical background :innocent:

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I didn’t even think about this angle. I would wager that of major health issues, obesity isn’t one of the bigger ones.

I wonder if this is more playing towards the tabloid audience. If so, shame on Labour.

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No problem with giving people the help they need. Not sure this is it though. Might be for some I guess. I just hope it doesnt become something that gets dished out on a whim.

Meanwhile the former governments continued war on anything they dont consider normal continues.


It does play towards some rather unhelpful stereotypes.

I had a look on the ONS and it gives a breakdown of long term illneses:

It doesn’t actually mention obesity but it is a reasonable assumption that it will be a co-morbidity for quite a few because many of the conditions will restrict physical activity.

I’d be interested to see what a trial would achieve with this. It does rather depend on what their overall public health strategy is.

From reading the article linked, I’m not sure they are expecting it to be a particularly high number, nor insinuate that unemployed are fat and lazy (not that people are in this discussion). I would assume this trial wouldn’t be solely for cases where obesity is a primary factor but also where it is still significant issue (if supply for the trial is sufficient)?

The announcement follows an investment by one of the manufacturers of the drug which the government is aiming to use for a trial. So, I think it is primarily just a way to give public attention to the investment (as a public thank you).

We’ve seen over the last few years lots of talk about the growing pressures on NHS and the number of people dropping out of the labour market increase because of health reasons. I think this is the government trying to demonstrate the sort of things it will do to tackle both challenges at the same time. Perhaps we will see more of these types of announcements where jobcentres can engage with health services in some way to get treatment prioritised?


Yeah but a Chocolate Digestive tax might be the last straw.




The Labour party blaming fat people for the country’s ills and wanting them on anti chomping jabs. Fucking excellent! Get the idle pie chompers back up the chimneys. Liking Kier here, who knew?

They won’t fit.


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I believe that was the point.

While i would sympathise with @sbym and @PeachesEnRegalia potentially being priced out of shoving a stiff fork into a hot pot they’re sadly off my menu

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Would that be opposed to blaming the disabled and those that are awaiting medical treatment thanks to a gutted social and health care systems?

Interesting stance with excellent levels of gymnastics

Nobody could possibly accuse the Conservatives of stoking culture wars.

Mind you, when you’ve got absolutely nothing else…


After saying that maternity was too generous.

Not a very pleasant individual by the looks of things, but she did turn middle class after a day of working in McDonald’s.

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I want to see the disabled and morbidly obese doing extreme gymnastics.

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Thats low